Translation of the song 散りてなお artist Aoi Teshima
Scattered and yet
さらさらと 枯れさわぐ 川原ゆく 光と影
The light and the shadow go by the dry riverbed withering with a rusting sound
今はなき故郷と 同じ匂いの風わたる
Now it's crossed by a wind with the smell of my late hometown
目を閉じればすぐ会える 巡り来る春に
When I close my eyes I can meet the spring going round
散りてなお 咲いている 君の面影 胸に
Scattered and yet, your face blooms in my chest
またひとり 歩き出す 金いろに頬を染めて
I walk alone again dyeing my cheeks of gold
過ぎし日の約束は 叶うことなくほどけて
The promise of the gone days comes undone without coming true
今もまだ揺れている 心の水面さざめかせ
Now it keeps trembling, making noise in the water of my heart
手を伸ばせばふれられる 時の後ろ髪
When I stretch my hands, I can touch the back-hair of time
いつの日か 帰らむと 想い描く景色は
Before I know, I want to return to the landscape that draws my memories
現し世にもう無いのに 誰も消し去れはしない
Though it no longer exists in the present, nobody can erase it
いつか来た道を たどり橋渡れば
When I cross the bridge by the road I came one day
何事もない賑わいに紛れ 忘れゆく
I forget disappearing among the crowd
散りてなお 咲いている 君の面影 胸に
Scattered and yet, your face blooms in my chest
またひとり 歩き出す 金いろに頬を染めて
I walk alone again dyeing my cheeks of gold
いつの日か 帰らむと 想い描く景色は
Before I know, I want to return to the landscape that draws my memories
現し世にもう無いのに 誰も消し去れはしない
Though it no longer exists in the present, nobody can erase it