Translation of the song 時の歌 artist Aoi Teshima
the Song of Time
空の 孤独な鷹よ
Lonely hawk in the sky
風に 抗いながら
Trying to be against the wind.
そこにあるのは 光と闇
All you find there are light and the dark
一人だけの 空
And the sky of your own.
空を 見上げて泣いた
You looked up at the sky and wept.
一人 生きてる君よ
You are living on your own.
真実の名を 教えておくれ
Will you tell me your true name?
いつの日か 消えてしまう君よ
Someday, you will be gone.
光が闇に 溶けるように
Like lights melt onto the dark,
心の中を とおりすぎる君の歌を
it passes through the heart. I will sing
The song of you.
空を 見上げて泣いた
You looked up at the sky and wept.
一人 生きてる君よ
You are living on your own.
真実の名を 教えておくれ
Will you tell me your true name?
いつの日か 死んでしまう君よ
Someday, you will be dead.
光が闇に 浮かぶように
Like lights float on the dark,
沈黙の中に とおりすぎる時の歌を
it passes through in silence. I will sing
The song of time
生まれ 消えていく はかない
Fragile lives
are born and gone.
There're the ends,
and there're the beginnings.
Don't forget that.
空の 孤独な鷹よ
Lonely hawk in the sky
風に 抗いながら
Trying to be against the wind.
空を 見上げて泣いた
You looked up at the sky
And wept.