Translation of the song Re:pray artist Aimer



English translation

Re:Pray (Reply to a Prayer)

歩道橋 階段 雨音

The sound of rain on the stairs of the pedestrian bridge

手を振るよ 最後の背中に

I drop my hand on your back for the last time

青に変わるライトで 時が動く

As the light turns green time begins to move

傘の波 飲み込んだ my days

With the wave of umbrellas I swallowed my days

say a little pray for you and me

say a little prayer for you and me

もう永遠を誓えない 愛を見送ろう

I'll never swear its forever, let's see this love off

誰かの為に生きてゆけない 自分を許せる強さを

You can't live for someone else's sake, try to find the strength to forgive yourself.

あなたに寄り添えなかったこと 悔やまずにいられる日々を

I couldn't get close to you now but I don't regret those days

祈りは雲を引き裂き この空に希望 解き放つ

The prayer tears through the clouds and hope is unleashed upon the sky

我儘も 燃やしたアルバムも 去年のような明日が欲しくて

Selfishness, the album I burnt- I want a tomorrow like it was last year

あなたのそのすべてを守るために わたしを守りたかった

For the sake of protecting your everything, I protected myself

no more cry and dry your eyes

no more cry and dry your eyes

もう二度と振り向かない 引き留める声もない恋

Don't turn around ever again, love with an unrestrained voice

泣かないで これで終わりじゃない

Don't cry, this isn't the end


I'm just disappearing with the flow of time, that's all

この胸にいま刻んだものは 包まれたぬくもりだけ

Now I'll shred the feeling in my chest of being enveloped in warmth


Goodbye to the You who I loved


Goodbye to the Me who was loved by you

恋しくて ただ恋しくて でも 望んでた場所はここじゃない

I miss you, I just miss you, but this isn't the place I wanted to be

その声がまだ残ってる でも 届けたい明日へのpray

That voice still remains, but I wanted to give it to you with tomorrow's prayer


You can't live for someone else's sake, try to find the strength to forgive yourself.


I couldn't get close to you now but I don't regret those days

祈りは雲を引き裂き この空に希望 解き放つ

The prayer tears through the clouds and hope is unleashed upon the sky

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