Translation of the song Ref:rain artist Aimer

English, Japanese


English translation


Raining 夏の午後に 通り雨 傘の下

Raining, in a rain shower of a summer afternoon under an umbrella

Kissing 濡れた頬に そっと口づけた

Kissing, I gently kissed your wet cheek

あの季節に まだ焦がれている

I'm still longing for that season

Miss you 窓の外に 遠ざかる景色たち

Miss you, outside my window the scenery fades away

Breezing 虹が見えた すぐに消えそうで

Breezing, I saw a rainbow that seemed to disappear right away

雨 明日は降らなければいい

I hope it doesn't rain tomorrow

何も手につかずに 上の空の日々

Unable to focus on anything, I've been daydreaming these days

Nothing but you're the part of me

Nothing but you're the part of me

まだ 足りなくて

It's still not enough

まだ 消えなくて

It still won't fade away


Innocence still is in the palms of our joined hands

What a good thing we lose?

What a good thing we lose?

What a bad thing we knew

What a bad thing we knew

そんなフレーズに濡れてく 雨の中

I'm soaked by these phrases like I've been in the rain

ただ 足りなくて

It's still not enough

まだ 言えなくて

I still can't say


The goodbye that I dreamed in the days when I've been counting

What a good thing we lose?

What a good thing we lose

What a bad thing we knew

What a bad thing we knew

触れられずにいれたら 笑えたかな?

If we had never touched, would we be smiling now?

Calling 白い息が 舞いあがる 空の下

Calling, beneath a sky where our white breaths soar

Freezing 強い風に 少しかじかんだ手と

Freezing, the strong wind chills my hands a bit


And along with my weakness, they're inside my pockets

どこを見渡しても 通り過ぎた日々

No matter where I look, the days have passed me by

Nothing but you're the part of me

Nothing but you're the part of me

また 触れたくて

I still want to feel you

ただ 眩しくて

But you're so radiant


That I instinctively turn my eyes away


From the light of your kindness

I wanna sleep in your feel

I wanna sleep in your feel

I wanna see you in the deep

I wanna see you in the deep

そんなフレーズを並べた詩を 今

These phrases lined up the song I sing now

あの帰り道 バスに揺られて

Making the same way home, cradled by the bus


I saw a dream that seemed like it wouldn't come true

I wanna sleep in your feel

I wanna sleep in your feel

I wanna see you in the deep

I wanna see you in the deep

繰り返す季節に 慣れないまま

I'm still not familiar with the repetition of the same events from that season

もう少しくらい大人でいれたら 何て言えただろう?

If I had been a little more mature, what could I have said?

まだ 足りなくて

It's still not enough

まだ 消えなくて

It still won't fade away


Innocence still is in the palms of our joined hands

What a good thing we lose?

What a good thing we lose?

What a bad thing we knew

What a bad thing we knew

そんなフレーズに濡れてく 雨の中

I'm soaked by these phrases like I've been in the rain

ただ 足りなくて

It's still not enough

まだ 言えなくて

I still can't say


The goodbye that I dreamed in the days when I've been counting

What a good thing we lose?

What a good thing we lose

What a bad thing we knew

What a bad thing we knew

触れられずにいれたら 笑えたかな?

If we had never touched, would we be smiling now?

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