Translation of the song Camins artist Amaral



English translation


Camins, que ara s’esvaeixen.

Paths, that now vanish.

Camins, que hem de fer sols.

Paths, we have to take alone.

Camins, vora les estrelles.

Paths, close to the stars.

Camins, que ara no hi són.

Paths, that are not there anymore.

Van deixar-ho tot, el cor encès pel món

We left everything, the heart alight in the world

Per les parets de la mort sobre la pell

Around death's walls, on the skin

Eren dos ocells de foc sembrant tempestes

They were two fire birds sowing storms

Ara són dos fills del sol en aquest desert.

Now they are two sons of this desert sun.

Mai no és massa tard per tornar a començar

It's never too late to start again,

Per sortir a buscar el teu tresor.

To go out and look for your treasure.

Camins, somnis i promeses,

Paths, dreams and promises,

Camins, ja son nous.

Paths, they are already new.

No és senzill saber cap on has de marxar

It's not so simple to know where you should leave for

Pren la direcció del teu cor

Just follow your heart

Mai no és massa tard per tornar a començar

It's never too late to start again,

Per sortir a buscar el teu tresor

To go out and look for your treasure.

Camins, que ara s’esvaeixen.

Paths, that now vanish.

Camins, que es fa fer sol.

Paths, we have to take alone.

Camins, vora les estrelles.

Paths, close to the stars.

Camins, que ja són nous.

Paths, that are not there anymore.

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