Translation of the song 寂しくて眠れない夜は artist Aimer



English translation

Sleepless Night

寂しくてねむれないよ いつものように 手をつないでよ

I'm so lonely I can't sleep, let's hold hands like always

震えてるこの指の間にそっと キミのぬくもりを分けてほしい

Share your warmth by gently holding my shivering fingers

キミの声を聞きたくて 何度も目を閉じる

I'll close my eyes over and over just so I can hear your voice

「夢のなかでなら 会えるかな?」って

I wonder if we'll meet in your dreams? you said

寂しくて眠れない夜は 二度と戻れない ぬくもり探して

The lonely-sleepless night is searching for that warmth that will never return

お願い せめてもう一度 その声をきかせてよ

Please, let me hear that voice at least once more

誰よりも キミを想う 強さだけは 負けないのにいつも

I'm thinking of you more than anyone else

「一人だ」って 気づいて また 負けそうになる

I'd never lose with just strength but every time I realize I'm alone, I feel like I'll start losing again

こんな弱さを 許してほしい

I want you to forgive this weakness

寂しくて眠れないよ いつかのあの 話をしてよ

I'm so lonely I can't sleep, let's talk about it someday

つぶやいた言葉たちが 浮かぶ月に

Those words you whispered appeared before the moon


And gently resounded then disappeared

冷たい風小さなベランダに たちつく 

The chilly breeze left me unable to move in this small veranda

時が立場 忘れられうかなって

Will I be able to forget about I thought

寂しくて眠れない夜は 届かぬ手紙の続きを紡いで

The lonely-sleepless night is spinning the continuation to that letter that can't reach you

教えてあといくつ夜を 超えれば会えるのかな

Tell me, how many more nights do I have to go through until we meet?

誰よりもキミを想う 強さだけは 負けないのにいつも

More than anyone else, I'm thinking of you

空回りばかりで 逃げ出しそうになる

With just strength I'll never lose, seems that I'm trying to run away with idle effort

こんな弱さを 許してほしい

I wish you'd forgive this weakness

寂しくて眠れない夜は 二度と戻れない ぬくもり探して

The lonely-sleepless night is searching for the warmth that will never return

お願い せめてもう一度 その声をきかせてよ

Please, let me hear your voice at least once more

誰にでも月明かりに 誰かを思う 眠れぬ夜がある

Anyone under the moonlight is thinking of someone, and having a sleepless night

暗闇の中でも うつむかないでと 

Don't cast your eyes down into the darkness


I want to believe that smiling light

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