Translation of the song No Sabe Donde Va artist Amaral


No Sabe Donde Va

English translation

She Doesn't Know Where She's Going

Uh, no sabe a dónde va

Oh, she doesn't know where she's going

Pero sí sabe que algún día llegará

But she does know some day she'll get there

Uh, no tiene maldad

Oh, she's not evil

Y sus amigos creen que pronto volverá

And her friends think she'll come back soon

La vida en la pequeña aldea

Life in a small town

Trabajando por la tierra le empezaba a marchitar

Working for the land was starting to whither her away

Y se ha marchado sin maletas

And she'd left without any luggage

Y con la cabeza llena de historias que inventar

And with a head full of stories to invent

Uh, no sabe a dónde va

Oh, she doesn't know where she's going

Pero sí sabe que algún día llegará

But she does know some day she'll get there

Uh, no tiene maldad

Oh, she's not evil

Y sus amigos creen que pronto volverá

And her friends believe she'll come back soon

Le han enseñado a ser valiente,

They taught her to be brave

A querer bien a su gente,

To love her people,

A saber cuándo escuchar

To know when to listen

Ahora ella toma la palabra,

Now she takes the word,

Ahora se marcha de casa,

Now she's leaving home

Quiere ver el mundo, hacerlo suyo

She want to see the world, to make it hers

Uh, no sabe a dónde va

Oh, she doesn't know where she's going

Y de momento lo ha dejado todo atrás

And for the time being she's left it all behind

Sabe muy bien lo que se siente

She knows very well how it feels

Cuando nadie te comprende

When no one understands you

Y estás fuera de lugar

And she's out of place

Porque su mundo es diferente

Because her world is different

Y parece siempre ausente,

And she always seems far away,

Sólo un bicho raro con pocos años

Just a strange young creature

Le acompañan las canciones,

The songs keep her company,

Las antiguas grabaciones

The old recordings

Que guardaba en el desván

That she kept in the attic

El tocadiscos de su hermana

Her sister's record player

Con la aguja mal templada

With the needle out of tune

Todavía suena mientras ella se aleja

It still plays as she moves away

Uh, no sabe a dónde va

Oh, she doesn't know where she's going

Pero sí sabe que algún día llegará

But she does know some day she'll get there

Uh, no sabe a dónde va

Oh, she doesn't know where she's going

Pero no va olvidar de dónde viene,

But she won't forget where she came from

Porque es todo lo que tiene

Because it's all she has

Mientras ella aprende a caminar

Whilst she learns to walk

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