Translation of the song Nocturnal artist Amaral
Primera norma nocturnal
First nocturnal rule
No me mires así
Don't look at me like that
Nada te puedo dar
I can't give you anything
No hay nada bueno en mi
There's nothing good in me
La tierra lucha contra el sol
The earth fights the sun
Y todos los planetas
And every planet
En perfecto descontrol
In perfect chaos
órbitan sobre mi cabeza
They orbit above my head
No puedo controlar mi vida
I can't control my life
Solo te quiero prevenir
I only want to warn you
Nunca he tenido disciplina
I've never been disciplined
No hay nada bueno en mi
There's nothing good in me
Presiento lo que va ocurrir
I've got a feeling about what's going to happen
El circulo se cierra
The circle is closing
Mira que te lo advertí
Hear my warning1
Esa es mi naturaleza
That's my nature
No puedo controlar mi vida
I can't control my life
Solo te quiero prevenir
I only want to warn you
Nunca he tenido disciplina
I've never been disciplined
No hay nada bueno en mi
There's nothing good in me
No hay nada bueno en mi
There's nothing good in me
Un impulso irracional
An irrational impulse
De destruirlo todos
To destroy it all
Hundirte y descender
To make you sink and go down
Como el octubre rojo
Like the Red October2
Y volverte a levantar
And come back to pull you up
Cuando has tocado fondo
When you've touched the bottom
De una mala racha
From a run of bad luck
Misteriosas e infinitas
Mysterious and infinite
Son las leyes del azar
Are the laws of chance
Si pudieras elegir
If you could choose
Cual de ellas romperías
Which of them you would break
Ahora no puedo controlar mi vida
Now I can't control my life
Solo te quiero prevenir
I only want to warn you
Nunca he tenido disciplina
I've never been disciplined
No hay nada bueno en mi
There's nothing good in me
No hay nada bueno en mi
There's nothing good in me
Ni nada más que decir
Nor anything more to say