Translation of the song Caminaré/Je m'en irai artist Soraya Arnelas
Caminaré/Je m'en irai
I will walk / I will go
Si con mis notas pudiera escribir
If with my notes I could write
Los secretos que hay en tu piel
The secrets that are on your skin
Si el pentagrama de tu corazón
If the pentagram of your heart
Es tan solo un frágil papel
Is just a fragile paper
Aujourd'hui je tourne et change de page,
Today I turn and change page,
je continue le voyage,
I continue the journey,
je m'en irai.
I will go.
Caminaré despacio,
I will walk slowly,
si hay un momento entre tu y yo
If there is a moment between you and me
No tengas miedo de llorar
Don't be afraid to cry
Tant de silences et de complicités
So many silences and complicity
Qui m'ont déjà bien fait pleurer,
That have already made me cry,
auqun de nous ne pouvai s'engager,
None of us could embark
sur un chemin d'éternité.
On a path of eternity.
Perdona si he creído tus engaños,
Forgive me if I believed your deceptions,
yo seguire caminando,y caminaré.
I will keep walking, and I will walk.
Caminaré deprisa,
I will walk quickly,
junto a la brisa de tu voz
Next to the breeze of your voice
Cuando tu risa empieze a llorar,
When your laugh starts to cry,
caminaré despacio,
I will walk slowly
si hay un momento entre tu y yo,
If there is a moment between you and me,
No tengas miedo de llorar.
Don't be afraid to cry.
Si con mis besos pudiera escuchar,
If with my kisses I could hear
los silencios que hay en tu piel,
The silences that are in your skin,
J'ai pourtant gardé l'espoir de t'aimer,
Yet I kept the hope of loving you
en secret dans mes profondeurs.
In secret deep within.
Perdona si he creído tus engaños,
Forgive me if I believed your deceptions,
yo seguire caminando,y caminaré.
I will keep walking, and I will walk.
Caminaré deprisa,
I will walk quickly,
junto a la brisa de tu voz
Next to the breeze of your voice
Cuando tu risa empieze a llorar,
When your laugh starts to cry,
caminaré despacio,
I will walk slowly
si hay un momento entre tu y yo,
If there is a moment between you and me,
No tengas miedo de llorar.
Don't be afraid to cry.
Si todavia oigo reir,
If I still hear laugh
aquellos besos dulces que no te di
Those sweet kisses that I did not give you
Reirán para siempre
They will laugh forever.
Je m'en irai sans peine,
I will go without difficulty,
Imaginer ces mondes nouveaux,
Imagine these new worlds,
je ne serai jamais loin de toi.
I will never be far from you.
Caminaré despacio,
I will walk slowly,
si hay un momento entre tu y yo
If there is a moment between you and me
No tengas miedo de llorar
Don't be afraid to cry
Si con mis notas pudiera escribir
If with my notes I could write
los secretos que han en tu piel.
The secrets that are on your skin