Translation of the song Versioni Im artist Soni Malaj
Versioni Im
My Version
Gjithcka duket pa vler
Everything seems worthless
Ndodh qe ndonjeher
It happens that sometimes
E gjen mbyllur cdo dere
He finds every door closed
Ndodh qe ndonjeher
It happens that sometimes
Them lej te lujn te tjere
I say let others play
Tqifsha ne fame dhe ne karrjer
Tqifsha in fame and career
It happens
Qe tgjithe kto karrliqe mu me shtyn
All these chairs push me
Per te dhon tgjitha vargjet
To him he gives all the verses
Qe bokset shperthyn
That boxing explodes
Per tpas tgjitha shkaqet qe me fryn
For all the reasons that blow me
Te thon sa her qe G Up po hyn
Tell you how many times G Up is entering
Kurvat u shkerdhyn
The whores broke up
Duket si gare me shum kundershtar
Looks like a race with a lot of opponents
Ku tgjithe kta lojtar
Where all these players
Lakmojne vendin e pare
Greed for first place
Tgjithe flasin per arme droge revolucion?
Everyone talks about revolution drug weapons?
Futi tgjithe ne bythe kurve
Put it all in the ass whores
Dhe hyp nmikrofon
And hop into the microphone
Shof lart destinacjoni larg
Shof up destination far
E kom planin e qarte
I have a clear plan
Qe diten qe nisa start
From the day I started
Dhe sa per komercjal ??
And how much for a commercial ??
Un di ta boj por zdu ta jap
I know how to paint but I give it
E kom skenen 1 hap edhe prap
I have scene 1 step again
Jom ne rruge kurve
I'm on the street whore
Luj nese skeni ca me fol
Play if you can talk to me
Ata qe than RAP skan ??
Those who said RAP scan ??
Ky eshte metropol
This is a metropolis
Vite shpejtesi drite prite
Years of lightning speed wait
Vij i uritur pasi nuk esht vetem ceshtje muzike
I come hungry as it is not just a matter of music
Eshte premtim
It is a promise
Per tgjithe ata qe te un paten besim
For all those who trusted in me
Burrat i mban fjala e kam parim
Men keep their word and I have a principle
Without discussion
Ritem&Rim un do jap gjithmone
Rhythm and rhyme I will always give
Versionin tim
My version
Eshte Doza, G-UP
It is Dose, G-UP
po s'na u plotesuan kushtet
but our conditions were not met
nuk firmosim ne kontrat
we do not sign the contract
se jena vet n'administrat
se jena vet n'administrat
Yo! Shqipe wuts up?
Yo! Albanian wuts up?
nuk po ju shofim qarte
we are not seeing you clearly
ndizni mikrofonat
turn on the microphones
dhe skenes i vini flak
and set the stage on fire
E une sdi si ta them
And I know how to say it
qe mos te duket si diss
not to look like diss
por jan nivel shum i ulet
but are very low level
po e them sinqerisht
I am saying it honestly
t'gjith kta tipat
all these types
SWAG YOLO trendy rrapers
SWAG YOLO trendy rrapers
me nam
me nam
do deshtojn se s'kerkojn respekt
will fail because they do not demand respect
por vetem fame!
but only fame!
Jan te perkoheshem
They are temporary
skan vend ne histori
scan place in history
sa te dal nje tjeter HIT
until another HIT comes out
sdo i kujtoj me asnjeri
I do not remember them with anyone
dhe u thoni mos te bejn kot
and tell them not to do it in vain
sikur kan shpikur ndo nje stil
as if they had invented any style
sikur ne sdim te bejm ''TRAP''
as if we wanted to do '' TRAP ''
sikur ne sdim te bejm ''DRILL''
as if we wanted to DRILL
Por ce do te jesh si kta
But what will you be like?
varet ca quan sukses...
it depends on what success ...
Nese kta jan te suksesshem
If these are successful
me mire pa sukses te vdes!
better without success to die!
Nuk me motivojn parat
Money does not motivate me
se kam aq sa me duhen
that I have as much as I need
naj here ky eshte mallkim
this time it is a curse
se t'gjitha tek paret luhet!
that all in the first is played!
Gjithsesi do bej durim
I will be patient anyway
dhe do i qendroj besnik
and I will stay true to them
fjales dhe parimit tim
my word and principle
sdo dorrezohem, do luftoj
I will not give up, I will fight
per ndryshim
for change
Mbase kam te drejte
Maybe I'm right
mbase e kam gabim...
maybe I'm wrong ...
Eshte premtim
It is a promise
Per tgjithe ata qe te un paten besim
For all those who trusted in me
Burrat i mban fjala e kam parim
Men keep their word and I have a principle
Without discussion
Ritem, Rim un do jap gjithmone
Rhythm, Rhyme I will always give
Versionin tim
My version