Translation of the song Hřbitovní kvítí artist Rigor Mortiz
Hřbitovní kvítí
Graveyard flowers
Svíti, svíti, sluníčko svíti,
It's shining, it's shining, the sun's shining,
za oknem mi roste hřbitovní kvíti
a graveyard flower grows outside my window
Nic necítim,
I feel nothing,
sví srdce už nemám
I don't have my heart any more
tělo taky nemám,
I don't have my body either,
Sakra, ani okna nemam
Damn, I don't even have windows
Hledám prostor
I'm looking for space
Sakra, nemúžu se pohnout
Damn, I can't move
ty rakvy delaj tak malý
they make these coffins so small
ze se nemuzu vohnout
that I can't bend
vyslobodzení mi prináši noc,
night brings me liberation
prináši mi moc
brings me power
života mam dost
I've had enough of life
v noci lezu z kripty
in the night I crawl from the crypt
a otviram hroby.
and open graves
Dneska je tu jeden nový.
Today there's a new guy here.
Jeho máma brala drogy
His mum took drugs
a hobby jeho táty bylo pít piva jak vody
and his dad's hobby was drinking beer like it was water
v jednom se vyžily ty krvavý hody..
at once, that bloody feast was lived out
Synáček nikdy neznal, zlobil, byl dite ulice
The son never knew, he was angry, he was a child of the street
Rodiče na nej srali,
His parents didn't give a shit about him
chcel jenom pomstit se....
he just wanted to get revenge...
A tak od tý doby máma nebere drogy
And so, since that time, mum doesn't take drugs any more
Když ucitila težky synáčkovy nohy..
When she felt the weight of her son's legs
A težký olovo, který měla v hlave.
And the heavy lead she had in her head.
Synáček se nikdy nehrál,
The son never played,
ted mačkal spoušť hravě.
but he pulled the trigger playfully.
A z hlavne se kourilo,
And the barrel was smoking,
když se znova nabilo..
when it was reloaded..
V tom prisel táta
At that, came dad
a to ho asi zabilo
and that probably killed him
Klečel na kolenou
He was kneeling
a prosil syna aby počkal
and begging his son to wait
jenom chvili počkal
to just wait a while
ale synáček mačkal.
but the son squeezed.
Život mu to spackal
Life messed it up for him
život byl vinník toho co udelal
life was to blame for what he did
hlaven si k hlave dal
he put the barrel to his head
a pak to dodelal
and after that he finished the job
sílu sám sobe dal
he gave power to himself
vyslobedzeni byla smrt
death was liberation
a ted se má líp.
and now he's feeling better.
Komu vadí ze kcíp?
Who minds that he died?
Jeho tělo bude hníť
His body will rot
ale jemu bude líp
but he'll be better off
než o lepším zivote snít.
than if he was dreaming of a better life.
Pridal se k nám
He joined us
Rigor Mortiz
Rigor Mortis
in memoriam
in memoriam
nic neciti
feel nothing
ale slunicko svitia my povstali sme z rakve navzdy
but the sun shines and we've risen from the casket forever
sme hrbitovni kviti...
we're graveyard flowers...