Translation of the song Atrás del sol artist Jimena Barón
Atrás del sol
Behind the sun
Te vas así nomas
You leave just like tha.
Acá sobraban los colores, ahora faltan la mitad.
Here, there were left over colors, now, they are missing half.
Tirás, desparramas todas las risas y recuerdos se van secando en soledad..
You spread, throw out all the laughter, and the memories get dry in solitude.
Y no hay final, si ayer bailaba y me mirabas, si ahora me giro y ya no estás.
And there is no end, if yesterday I danced, and you looked at me.
Te vas y dejas todo lo que construimos quedará por la mitad.
if now I turn around and you are no longer there,
Aaaah aaah
Aaaah aaah
Aaaah aaah
Aaaah aaah
De haber sabido que de un soplido te vas a echar a volar atrás del sol.
If I had known that, just with a blow, you could fly up behind the sun.
De haber sentido un último ruido, quisiera despertar, poder decir adiós.
if I had heard the last sound, I would have wake up and say good bye.
Volvamos para atrás, que ahora el mar no tiene agua y quiero volver a jugar.
Let's go back that now the sea has no water. and I would like to play again.
Vayamos a un lugar donde todos los recuerdos vos me los puedas pintar.
Let's go to a place where all the memories you can depict for me.
Aaah aaah
Aaah aaah
Aaah aaah
Aaah aaah
Aaah aaah
Aaah aaah
Aaah aaah
Aaah aaah
Aaah aaah
Aaah aaah
Aaah aaah
Aaah aaah
Aaah aaah
Aaah aaah
Aaah aaah
Aaah aaah
De haber sabido que de un soplido te ibas a echar a volar atrás del sol.
If I had known that, just with a blow, you could fly up behind the sun....