Translation of the song Me falta el sol artist Jimena Barón
Me falta el sol
There is no sun
[Jimena Baron]
[Jimena Baron]
Te di el sol
I gave you the sun
Tu cuerpo era de hielo y yo te di calor
Your body was made of ice and I gave you heat
No quiero que lo entiendas ni que me pidas perdón
I don't want you to understand nor that you ask for forgiveness
Amor, que nunca se te olvide cuánto invierno estuve yo
Love, don't ever forget that no matter how much winter I was, I
Yo te di el sol
I gave you the sun
[Carlos Ares]
[Carlos Ares]
Me diste el sol, sí
You gave me the sun, yes
En el poquito tiempo que dejaste para mí
In the little time you had left for me
Jamás te diste cuenta todo lo que hice por ti
You never realized everything I did for you
Oh, mientras tu te quejabas, yo intenté hacerte feliz
Oh, while you were complaining, I was trying to make you happy
Todo yo te di
I gave you everything
[Jimena Baron y Carlos Ares]
[Jimena Baron y Carlos Ares]
Siempre reprochando, yo sigo pensando
Always reproaching, I keep thinking
Que cuando tú no estás a mi me falta el sol
That when you are not there, there is no sun
Fuera de mi vida, ve con tus mentiras
Out of my life, go away with your lies
Pero cuando no estás a mi me falta el sol
But when you are not there, there is no sun
[Jimena Baron]
[Jimena Baron]
Oh, oh eh-oh, oh eh-oh
Oh, oh eh-oh, oh eh-oh
Oh eh-oh-eh-oh-eh-oh
Oh eh-oh-eh-oh-eh-oh
Oh eh-oh, oh-eh-oh
Oh eh-oh, oh-eh-oh
A mi me falta el sol
There is no sun
[Carlos Ares]
[Carlos Ares]
Y a pesar de todo
And despite everything
Mi cuerpo siente tu falta
My body misses you
Como si no hubiera otra alternativa
Like I had no other alternative
Para continuar con mi vida
To continue with my life
[Jimena Baron]
[Jimena Baron]
Y a pesar de todo
And despite everything
No quiero regresar a tu amor
I don't want to go back to your love
Aunque me duela el alma
Even if my heart is hurting me
Fuiste tú quien rompió mi confianza
You were the one who broke my trust
[Jimena Baron y Carlos Ares]
[Jimena Baron y Carlos Ares]
Siempre reprochando, yo sigo pensando
Always reproaching, I keep thinking
Que cuando tú no estás a mi me falta el sol
That when you are not there, there is no sun
Fuera de mi vida, ve con tus mentiras
Out of my life, go away with your lies
Pero cuando no estás a mi me falta el sol
But when you are not there, there is no sun
(A mi me falta el sol)
There is no sun
Oh, oh eh-oh, oh eh-oh
Oh, oh eh-oh, oh eh-oh
Oh eh-oh-eh-oh-eh-oh (me falta)
Oh eh-oh-eh-oh-eh-oh (there is no)
Oh eh-oh, oh-eh-oh (me falta)
Oh eh-oh, oh-eh-oh (there is no)
A mi me falta el sol
There is no sun
Oh, oh eh-oh, oh eh-oh
Oh, oh eh-oh, oh eh-oh
Oh eh-oh-eh-oh-eh-oh (suena en España)
Oh eh-oh-eh-oh-eh-oh (it sounds in Spain)
Oh eh-oh, oh-eh-oh (y en Argentina)
Oh eh-oh, oh-eh-oh (and in Argentina)
Siempre reprochando, yo sigo pensando
Always reproaching, I keep thinking
Que cuando tú no estás a mi me falta el sol
That when you are not there, there is no sun
Fuera de mi vida, ve con tus mentiras
Out of my life, go away with your lies
Pero cuando no estás
But when you are not there,
A mi me falta el sol
There is no sun