Translation of the song A Velha e o DJ artist Deolinda
A Velha e o DJ
The Old Lady and the DJ
A velha e o DJ
The old lady and the DJ
Ai eu não sei, não sei
Oh I don't know, I don't know
Mas acho que andam enrolados na batida
But I think they are all taken up by the beat
Ela enche-lhe o copo
She fills his cup
Ele mexe-lhe o corpo
He moves her body
E pouco a pouco ela já domina a pista
And bit by bit she takes over the dance floor
E as miúdas, as miúdas com inveja
And the girls, the jealous girls
Dizem que a velha é maluca
Say that the old lady is crazy
É a maluca da velha
It's that crazy old lady
Mas ela dança e desanca as miúdas
But she dances and makes the girls look like fools
Que naquele corte e costura
The girls who in those clothes
Mais parecem elas velhas
Look like they're the old ones
A velha e o DJ
The old lady and the DJ
Ai eu não sei, não sei
Oh I don't know, I don't know
Mas acho que andam enrolados na batida
But I think they are all taken up by the beat
Ela enche-lhe o copo
She fills his cup
Ele mexe-lhe o corpo
He moves her body
E pouco a pouco ela já domina a pista
And bit by bit she takes over the dance floor
E as miúdas, as miúdas descaradas
And the girls, the cheeky girls
Riem a imitar a velha
Laugh as they imitate the old lady
A dançar desengonçada
As she dances awkwardly
E mais ri ela com uma buzinadela
And she is the one who really laughs out loud
Quando ele abraçado a ela
When he sits on the motorcycle
Se põe na motorizada
Holding onto her
E a mota custa muito a pegar
And the motor takes a while to start
E a mota custa muito a pegar
And the motor takes a while to start
E o fumo faz todas tossir
And the smoke makes all the girls cough
A velha e o DJ
The old lady and the DJ
Ai eu não sei, não sei
Oh I don't know, I don't know
Mas acho que andam enrolados na batida
But I think they are all taken up by the beat
Ela enche-lhe o copo
She fills his cup
Ele mexe-lhe o corpo
He moves her body
E pouco a pouco ela já domina a pista
And bit by bit she takes over the dance floor
E a mota custa muito a pegar
And the motor takes a while to start
E o fumo faz todas tossir
And the smoke makes all the girls cough