Translation of the song Ai rapaz artist Deolinda
Ai rapaz
Oh boy
Ai, rapaz!
Oh boy!
Se tu soubesses bem
If you had any idea
como é que eu fico
How you make me feel
quando vou ao bailarico
When I go to the dance hall
e te miro a dançar
And I watch you dance
ó-ai, à marcial...
Oh oh, like a martial
Já tentei dançar assim também,
I even tried dancing like that too
a esse ritmo, cada passo com sentido
In this rhythm, every step with feeling
e eu nem gosto de marchar.
And I don't even like marching
Ó-ai, mas quem me viu!?
Oh oh, but who saw me?
Ai, rapaz, mas eu queria
Oh boy, but I really wanted
uma valsa a três passos,
A waltz with three steps
dar-te a mão e ver a vida,
To give you my hand I see my life
agarrada aos teus braços, ai...
Buried in your embrace, oh...
Fui-me pôr
I went to sit
sentada mesmo à frente
Right in the front
e ali esperei...
And there I waited
E a tantos eu neguei
And to so many I denied
o prazer da minha dança
The pleasure of dancing with me
ó-ai, que era só tua...
Oh oh, because that was reserved for you
Mas o bar também chamou por ti,
But the bar also called for you
no entretanto, a banda ia tocando
And meanwhile the band kept playing
e quando tu de lá voltaste
And when you came back from there
ó-ai, a valsa acabou!
Oh oh, the waltz ended
Ai, rapaz, mas eu queria
Oh boy, but I really wanted
ir na roda e ser teu par!
To enter the circle and be your partner
Dar-te a mão, ir na folia
To give you my hand and go crazy
e não mais eu te largar, ó-ai...
And never let you go, oh oh...
Foi então
So it was like that
que a roda se fez,
That the circle was made
ao largo, larga
Off, wide
tanta gente, muita farra
So many people, a lot of spree
e nós ali na multidao
And we were there in the crowd
ó-ai, com outro par!
Oh oh, with another partner
Fui passando
I kept switching
par a par, nem sei
Partner to partner, I don't even know
quantos ao certo
How many exactly
e tu cada vez mais perto
And you came closer every time
e quando só faltava um
And when there was only one left
ó-ai, veio o leilão!
Oh oh, the auction started
Ai, rapaz, o que eu queria
Oh boy, I really wanted
era um baile bem mandado
To have a well-guided dance
que nos guiasse à sacristia
That would lead us to sacristy
e voltássemos casados, ai!
And we would return as a married couple, oh
E do palco
And from the stage
surgiu uma voz
A voice sounded
e a concertina:
And the band leader said:
Roda Manel, vira Maria
Manel switch, Maria turn
e quem não vira perde a roda!
And who doesn't turn around loses the round!
Ó-ai, e eu virei!
Oh oh, and so I turned
Mas a voz,
But the voice
puxada à concertina,
Coming from the band leader
mais pedia
Asked for more
e acelerava a melodia
And the melody accelerated
e os pés trocavam-se no chao
And feet moved around the floor
é-ai, e assim foi...
Oh oh, and it was like that
Ai, rapaz, e foi o baile,
Oh boy, it was the dance
sem alma nem coração,
Without any soul nor any feeling
mal cantado e mal mandado,
Badly sung and badly guided
que me atirou ao chão, ó ai...
That made me fall down, oh oh
E foste tu a dar-me a mão...
And it was you who gave me your hand