Translation of the song クリスマスは一緒に artist Mariya Takeuchi
Christmas Together
あなたの街に 初雪舞い (It's cold!)
The first snow falls in your town (It's cold!)
今かと その帰りを待つの
I'm waiting for you to come back
会えない日が こんなに続いたら
If we can't see each other for so long
写真だけじゃ 顔を忘れそうよ
I think I'll forget your face with just a picture
誰にも同じように 優しいあの人だから
Because you're just as kind to me as you are to anyone else
離れてると いつも心配
I'm always worried when we're apart
December 24th クリスマスはふたりで 一緒に過ごしたいの
December 24th, I want to spend Christmas together
彼の元気な姿 何よりの precious gift
His energetic appearance is the most precious gift of all
半年前 半泣きでせがんだ
Half a year ago, I cried and begged
行かないでと 子供じみたお願い
I made a childish request not to go
落ち込んでた私を やっと救い出せるのは
The only thing that can finally save me, who was depressed,
交し合った 冬の約束
is the promise of the winter we made
December 24th 今年もまた必ず 一緒に過ごしたいの
December 24th, I definitely want to spend time together again this year
負けそうになる距離を 飛び越える precious night
A precious night that jumps over the distance that makes you almost lose
Merry Christmas! どんなことがあっても 一緒に過ごしたいの
Merry Christmas! I want to spend time with you no matter what happens
世界中で一番愛してる my precious love
I love you the most in the world, my precious love
ふたりでずっと暮らせる日を (Someday) 夢見て もうちょっと頑張るわ
I'll try a little harder dreaming of a day (Someday) when we can live together forever
混み合うエアポートで あなたを (It's you!) 見つけて 胸がキュンとなった
When I found you in a crowded airport, (It's you!) my heart fluttered
It's snowing, it's snowing in your town
It's snowing, it's snowing in your town
You're coming, you're coming to see me soon
You're coming, you're coming to see me soon
It's snowing, it's snowing in your town
It's snowing, it's snowing in your town
You're coming, you're coming for Christmas Eve
You're coming, you're coming for Christmas Eve