Translation of the song Još uvijek artist Gabi Novak


Još uvijek

English translation


Još uvijek ludo želim da me voliš

Still I want you to love me like crazy

Da budem dio tebe kad si sam

To be a part of you when you're alone

Da nježnost tvojih ruku vječno živi uz nas

That the tenderness of your arms lives with us forever

Jer za me ti si sve što znam

Because you're all I know

Još uvijek su mi dani tako kratki

Still my days are too short

Za sve to što ti nisam znala reć

For everything I didn't know how to tell you

I ne znam dal' će život biti dovoljno dug

And I dont't know whether life will be long enough

Da nađem onu pravu riječ.

For me to find that right word.

Nek' umru ona tužna jutra

Let those sad morning die,

Što šutnjom katkad slute kraj

Those that sometimes foretell the end with their silence

Kad blijede usne sad traže svoj put,

When pale lips look for their way now

A oči naše gube sjaj

And our eyes lose their glow

Još uvijek želim za te biti lijepa

Still I want to be beautiful for you

I uzmi moje vrijeme kao dar

And take my time as a gift

Jer starost nije poraz ako u njoj smo mi

Because being old age is not a defeat if we're in it

Ko' miran, vječno sretan par, sretan par

Like a calm, eternally happy couple, a happy couple

Kad šapneš moje ime, znat ću - nije kraj

When you whisper my name, I will know - it's not the end

Jer glasom ti mi vraćaš sjaj

Because you bring the glow back with your voice

Još uvijek želim za te biti lijepa

Still I want to be beautiful for you

I uzmi moje vrijeme kao dar

And take my time as a gift

Jer starost nije poraz ako u njoj smo mi

Because being old age is not a defeat if we're in it

Ko' miran, vječno sretan par, sretan par!

Like a calm, eternally happy couple, a happy couple

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