Translation of the song Ne smijem ti prići artist Gabi Novak
Ne smijem ti prići
I Mustn't Get Close To You
Na postelju našu sjedam
I sit on our bed
Ali tebe ovdje nema
But you're not here
Ova sobu koju gledam
This room I'm looking at
Sad je pusta, sad je nijema
Now it's empty, now it's mute
Na stolu je zadnje pismo
Last letter is on the table
I u parku prazna klupa
And an empty bench is in the park
Voljeli se možda nismo
Wr maybe didn't love each other
Al' smo ipak bili skupa
But still we were together
Al' smo ipak htjeli znati
But still, we wanted to know
Što će jesen da nam vrati
What autumn will give back to us
Ne smijem ti prići, znam
I mustn't get close to you, I know
Pravu ljubav ne tražiš ti
You're not looking for a true love
Čuvala sam sve za nju dok su tekli sati
I've kept everything for it as the hours went by
Ne smijem ti prići, znam
I mustn't get close to you, I know
Sreću ne bismo našli mi
We wouldn't have found happiness
Ti si samo lik u snu, sjena što me prati
You're just a figure in a dream, a shadow following me
Pred prozorom našim stojim
I stand in front of our window
Od svijeta se opet krijem
Hiding from the world again
I sama se sebe bojim
And I'm scared by myself
Kada plačem, kad se smijem
When I cry, when I laugh
Na stolu je zadnje pismo
Last letter is on the table
I u parku prazna klupa
And an empty bench is in the park
Voljeli se možda nismo
Wr maybe didn't love each other
Al' smo ipak bili skupa
But still we were together
Al' smo ipak htjeli čuti
But still, we wanted to hear
Kamo vode ovi puti
Where these paths lead to