Translation of the song Pamtim samo sretne dane artist Gabi Novak
Pamtim samo sretne dane
I only recall the happy days
Pamtim samo sretne dane,
I only recall the happy days,
pamtim samo one noći,
I only recall those nights,
koje sam djelila s tobom
That I've spent with you
sanjajući i ljubeći.
Dreaming and loving.
Pamtim samo sretne dane,
I only recall the happy days,
pamtim samo ona jutra,
I only recall those mornings,
koja bude naša tjela
That wake our bodies
zagrljena, kao mrtva.
Embraced, deadlike.
Ja nisam kao ti
I'm not like you
da pamtim samo zlo.
Remembering just the bad.
Ja nisam kao ti
I'm not like you
ne mogu to.
I can't do that.
Pamtim samo sretne dane
I only recall the happy days
pamtim samo one kuće.
I only recall those houses
Gdje se naša ljubav krila
In which our love hid away
samo, kano i bespuće.
Simply, like the vastness.
Pamtim samo sretne dane
I only recall the happy days
oko nas je voda rasla.
Water grew around us
Pamtim samo samo sretne dane
I only recall the happy days
da bih našu ljubav spasla.
So I would save our love.
Pamtim samo sretne dane
I only recall the happy days
svi su drugi magla, san.
All others are a fog, a dream.
Samo onaj koji valja
Just the one that is good is
u lice je upisan.
Written over the face.
Pamtim samo sretne dane,
I only recall the happy days
oko nas je voda rasla.
Water grew around us
Pamtim samo sretne dane
I only recall the happy days
da bih našu ljubav spasla.
So I would save our love.