Translation of the song Penelopa artist Gabi Novak



English translation


Sve što više nemaš ti, jer si došao do dna.

All that you no longer have, because you hit the bottom,

Sve što više nemaš ti, htio bi da imam ja,

All that you no longer have, you would wish for me to have it,

i da za te u životu čuvam vjernost i dobrotu.

And to keep loyalty and kindness to you for life.

Sve što više nemaš ti, bez vrlina si ti slab.

All that you no longer have, without virtues you're weak.

Sve što više nemaš ti, htio bi da imam ja,

All that you no longer have, you would wish for me to have it,

tvoja dobra, luda glava meni uzme

Your good, foolish head took away

takva prava, a sebi prava da.

Such rights to me, and gave rights to itself.



Ti da ploviš svojim morem

For you to sail your sea

ja da budem Penelopa,

Me to be Penelope,

dok te nosi tvoja splav.

While your raft carries you.

Ti da slušaš pjev sirena

For you to listen to the song of mermaids

ja da budem samo žena

Me to be just a wife

da te čekam život sav.

To wait on you whole life.

Ti da vječno lutaš svijetom

For you to eternally wonder around the world

da se javljaš iz daljina,

To send regards from afar,

tebi noći meni dan.

Night for you, day for me.

Ti da tražiš zlatno runo,

For you to look for the golden fleece,

ja da čuvam tvoga sina,

For me to look after your son,

ti meni stvarnost, tebi san.

Reality for you, dream for me.

Sve što više nemaš ti, bez vrlina si ti slab.

All that you no longer have, without virtues you're weak.

Sve što više nemaš ti, htio bi da imam ja,

All that you no longer have, you would wish for me to have it,

tvoja dobra, luda glava meni uzme

Your good, foolish head took away

takva prava, a sebi prava da.

Such rights to me, and gave rights to itself.



Ti da ploviš svojim morem

For you to sail your sea

ja da budem Penelopa,

Me to be Penelope,

dok te nosi tvoja splav.

While your raft carries you.

Ti da slušaš pjev sirena

For you to listen to the song of mermaids

ja da budem samo žena

Me to be just a wife

da te čekam život sav.

To wait on you whole life.

Ti da vječno lutaš svijetom

For you to eternally wonder around the world

da se javljaš iz daljina,

To send regards from afar,

tebi noći meni dan.

Night for you, day for me.

Ti da tražiš zlatno runo,

For you to look for the golden fleece,

ja da čuvam tvoga sina,

For me to look after your son,

ti meni stvarnost, tebi san.2x

Reality for you, dream for me.

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