Translation of the song Pjesma je bila moj život artist Gabi Novak


Pjesma je bila moj život

English translation

Singing Was My Life

Ti si uvijek znao kad sam sretna bila,

You always knew when I was happy

moje srce ludo pjesma je otkrila.

Song uncovered my crazy heart

Ti si uvijek znao, suze nisu tekle,

You always knew, tears didn't roll.

sve bi moje tuge pjesme ti rekle.

Songs would tell you all my troubles

Nemam svojih tajni kao druge žene,

I have no secrets of my own like other women

jer su moje pjesme odale i mene.

Because my songs gave me away

Pjesma je bila život moj,

Singing was my life,

s njom su mi tekli sati.

My hours flew with it

To što mi vrijeme odnese,

What time takes away from me

ona mi ponekad vrati. (×2)

Singing brings back sometimes

Pjesma je bila život moj,

Singing was my life

nekad to nisam ni znala.

I sometimes didn't even know that

Ako je radosti bilo,

If there was joy

to mi je ona dala. (×2)

It was singing that gave it to me

Nemam svojih tajni kao druge žene,

I have no secrets of my own like other women

jer su moje pjesme odale i mene.

Because my songs gave me away

Pjesma je bila život moj,

Singing was my life,

s njom su mi tekli sati.

My hours flew with it

To što mi vrijeme odnese,

What time takes away from me

ona mi ponekad vrati. (×2)

Singing brings back sometimes

Pjesma je bila život moj,

Singing was my life

nekad to nisam ni znala.

I sometimes didn't even know that

Ako je radosti bilo,

If there was joy

to mi je ona dala. (×2)

It was singing that gave it to me

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