Translation of the song Poljubac u pismo artist Gabi Novak
Poljubac u pismo
A kiss in the letter
Samo jedna tužna riječ još nas spaja,
Only one sad word is still connecting us
Riječ koja guši me sad.
A word that's suffocating me now
Ti čuješ njezin zvuk - ljubavi, doviđenja,
You hear it's sound, [and it's] farewell to love,
Tko zna kad...
Who know's when
Ovo ljeto bit će znam tol'ko hladno,
I know, this summer will be so cold,
Bez sunca u jutrima svim..
Without the Sun during all of it's mornings,
A ljubav ću ti slat svakog dana u pismu
And I'll send you love through letter every day
I poljubaca niz..
And a row of kisses
I bit ćeš uvijek sa mnom
And you will always be with me
Na javi i u mom snu,
When I'm awake and in my dreams
A ipak, kad ću te zvati,
Yet still when I'll call you
Ti, dragi, nećeš biti tu.
You, my dear, won't be there
Zar se stvarno mora reć doviđenja?
Must farewells really be said,
Zar može svršiti s tim?
Can it really end with that
Dal' dovoljna će bit moja ljubav u pismu
Will my love in the letters be enough,
I poljubaca niz?
And a row of kisses
Zar se stvarno mora reć doviđenja?
Must farewells really be said,
Zar može svršiti s tim?
Can it really end with that
Dal' dovoljna će bit moja ljubav u pismu
Will my love in the letters be enough,
I poljubaca niz? I poljubaca niz...i poljubaca niz...
And a row of kisses