Translation of the song Portret Heroine artist Agim Krajka
Portret Heroine
Heroine portrait
Back in the days,
Me ty vogelushe, vjen n’mend
together as kids, it comes to mind
Qe bridhnim ne lendina
We roamed around the meadows
Si dy luleshqerre.
Like two daisies.
Ashtu na rrodhi femijeria
This is how our childhood flowed
Por jeta, nga lendina
But life, from the meadows
Ne na shkoi pastaj
Took us then
Ne beteje.
to the battles.
- Refreni
- Refrain
Diku larg ti u bere
Somewhere far away you became
Heroine, shoqja ime
Heroine, my friend
S’te pashe me ne asnje vend.
I never saw you anywhere.
Dhe lulet qe ne mblidhnim
And the flowers we used to pick
Ne lendine, vijne e ulen
In the meadow, they come and sit
Mbi portretin tend.
Above your portrait.
Mbi balle
On the forehead
sec ke nje yll si zjarri
You just have a star like fire
Kurse ne sy te dridhen
While in the eyes tremble
Si atehere, fije bari.
Same as then, grass leaflets.
- Refrain
Diku larg ti u bere
Somewhere far away you became
Heroine, shoqja ime
Heroine, my friend
S’te pashe me ne asnje vend.
I never saw you anywhere.
Dhe lulet qe ne mblidhnim
And the flowers we used to pick
Ne lendine, vijne e ulen
In the meadow, they come and sit
Mbi portretin tend.
Above your portrait.
Une kesh
I had
Dikur nje shoqen time
Once a friend of mine
Qe vitet sot ma dhane
That years today brought back
Portret heroine.
A Heroine portrait.
Ma dhane.
Brought her back.