Talvez logo na berma duma estrada
Perhaps right on the curbside of a road
Um par se beije transtornadamente
A couple will kiss with disturbance
E o destino os separe de repente
And destiny will suddenly separate them
Entre as duas e as três da madrugada
Between 2 to 3 A.M.
Talvez a lua fria os desinvente
Maybe the cold moon will uninvent them
E só lhes traga sombras e mais nada
And will only bring them shadows and nothing else
E por saída só lhes dê a entrada
And in the exit, they will only find the entrance
Para o túnel da noite à sua frente
To the night tunnel in front of them
Talvez então as faces se desolem
Maybe then the faces will become distraught
Talvez depois em cinza e solidão
Maybe after in gray and solitude
A aurora ponha um luto, talvez colem
The daybreak will bring grief, maybe the clouds
As nuvens o seu dorso rente ao chão
Will stick their loins to the ground
Talvez por não ousar ninguém mereça
Perhaps for not daring, no one deserves
O que viveu. Talvez não amanheça
What they've lived through. Perhaps dawn won't come.