Paretaren kontra dutxa barnean itota
Against the wall, drowning in the shower
Nire gainean igota lurrean
Above me, on the floor
Zapaltzen ninduten beti irainak entzuten
They stepped on me, I was always hearing insults
Eta inork ez ninduen uzten bakean
And nobody left me in peace
Malkotan maiz
Crying all the time
Lagunduko al nauzue?
Will you help me?
Ni erasoen jomugan
Me, in the eyes of the attackers
Ni gurasoen tristuran
Me, in the sadness of my parents
Eta ez dut egiz jarriko berriz dudan
And I don't want to doubt
Zenbat balio dudan.
how much I'm worth again
Izebak galdetzen zidan zerbait ba ote zen nigan
My aunt asked me what happened
Ama ta aitak segidan goizetan
And I heard the same from my parents
Beti desberdin zen beldurrez bizitzen nintzen
I always different, I lived with fear
Ez nituen konprenditzen benetan
I really didn't understand them
Gutxi gara
There's not many of us
Lagunduko al nauzue?
but will you help me?
Ez naiz gogorrena baina ez naiz koldarrena
I'm not the toughest, but I'm also not a coward
Bakean uztea da nahi nukeena
I just want them to leave me alone
Bakean aske
Alone in peace
Aske izan arte.
Until I'm free
Ni erasoen jomugan
Me, in the eyes of the attackers
Ni gurasoen tristuran
Me, in the sadness of my parents
Eta ez dut egiz jarriko berriz dudan
And I don't want to doubt
Zenbat balio dudan.
how much I'm worth again
Paretaren kontra dutxa barnean itota
Against the wall, drowning in the shower
Nire gainean igota lurrean
Above me, on the floor
Zapaltzen ninduten beti irainak entzuten
They stepped on me, I was always hearing insults
Eta inork ez ninduen uzten bakean
And nobody left me in peace
Malkotan maiz
Crying all the time
Lagunduko al nauzue?
Will you help me?
Ni erasoen jomugan
Me, in the eyes of the attackers
Ni gurasoen tristuran
Me, in the sadness of my parents
Eta ez dut egiz jarriko berriz dudan
And I don't want to doubt
Zenbat balio dudan.
how much I'm worth again