Translation of the song À 82 ans artist Axelle Red
À 82 ans
At 82 Years Old
Peux-tu nous imaginer à 82 ans ?
Could you imagine us at 82 years old
On passera nos journées à remuer le temps
We'd spend our days stirring time
Crois-tu qu’on sera aussi bien ?
Do you think we would be as good as now
Et plus besoin de savoir
And wouldn't need to know
Qui de nous a raison
Who of us is right
On finira nos soirées
We would end our evenings
À manger de bonbons
Eating candy
Crois-tu qu’on sera aussi bien ?
Do you think we would be as good as now
Peux-tu nous imaginer à 82 ans ?
Could you imagine us at 82 years old
On ne devra plus se presser
We wouldn't have to hurry
Toujours au premier rang
Always on the first row
Crois-tu qu’on sera aussi bien
Do you think we would be as good as now
Et les gens se diront
And people would tell themselves
T’as vu ce qu’ils sont mignons
Look how cure they are
Savent-ils qu’on les entend
Would they know we could hear them
Mais qu’on fait l’innocent ?
But play innocent
Je crois qu’on sera aussi bien.
I think we would be equally as good.