Translation of the song Rebellen artist Ultima Thule
The Rebel
Legenden talar om en viljans man
The legend tells of a man of will
Kämpande stod i motvinden han
Struggling he stood in the headwind
Hölls ärad som särling och feg
Held honored as an eccentric and coward
Över honom stod en hård tyrann
Above him was a fierce tyrant
Härarna hans tog vad de fann
His armies took what they found
Arma folket under piskan neg
Poor people (suffered?) under his whip (x)
Stark i tro han löfte höll
Strong in faith, he kept the promise
Icke vila förr'n tyrannen föll
I shall not rest until the tyrants fall
Det andra stod för gick han emot
The other stood for, he received (x)
Sov i skog under gren på mark
Slept in the forest, under the green, on the ground
Köld och regn gjorde själen stark
Cold and rain made the soul strong
Reste sig under bilans hot
He travelled under the threat of the ax (x)