Translation of the song Min Kind artist Anya (Denmark)


Min Kind

English translation

My Cheek

Jeg må heller' prøve at snakke med nogen

I better try to talk to someone

Sæt mig ned og snak’ med nogen

Sit down and talk to someone

Få en lille smule sindsro

Get a little bit of serenity

Og ha' godt fast i troen

And hold on to the belief

På at altid bliver bedre om et lille stykke tid

That it always will get better in a little while

Jeg må ikke gøre det være end det er

I mustn't make it worse than it is

Og alle lysene tændes om et lille stykke tid

And all the lights come on in a little while

Og håber jeg kan huske hvem jeg er

And I hope I can remember who I am

For når tårerne på min kind, de tørre ind

For when the tears on my cheek, they dry up

Så man skulle tro jeg var glad, men jeg kan ikke græde mer'

So you would think I was happy, but I cant cry anymore

Min kind den tørre ind

My cheek it dries up

Og man skulle tror at jeg var glad, men jeg kan bare ikke græde mer’

And you would think I was happy, but I just can't cry anymore

Jeg må heller' hive fat i nogen'

I better grab someone

Puste ud og finde ro'en

Exhale and find peace

Ha' en lille smule tiltro

Have a little confidence

Imens vandet løber under broen

While the water runs under the bridge

Dagen stiller strenge krav og månen den er blid

The day makes strict demands and the moon it is gentle

Og jeg prøver på at leve som jeg gør

And I try to live as I do

Og smilet bliver bredere om et lille stykke tid

And the smile will get wider in a little while

Og jeg håber jeg kan huske hvad man gør

And I hope I remember what to do

For når tårerne på min kind, de tørre ind

For when the tears on my cheek, they dry up

Så man skulle tro jeg var glad, men jeg kan ikke græde mer'

So you would think I was happy, but I cant cry anymore

Min kind den tørre ind

My cheek it dries up

Og man skulle tror at jeg var glad, men jeg kan bare ikke græde mer'

And you would think I was happy, but I just can't cry anymore

For når tårerne på min kind, de tørre ind

For when the tears on my cheek, they dry up

Så man skulle tro jeg var glad, men jeg kan ikke græde mer'

So you would think I was happy, but I cant cry anymore

Min kind den tørre ind

My cheek it dries up

Så man skulle tror at jeg var glad, men jeg kan bare ikke græde mer’

So you would think I was happy, but I just can't cry anymore

Min kind den tørre ind

My cheek it dries up

Så man skulle tro jeg var glad, men jeg kan ikke græde mer’

So you would think I was happy, but I just can't cry anymore

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