Translation of the song Clara artist Caetano Veloso
Quando a manhã madrugava
Back in the dawning sun
Calma, alta, clara
Calm, high, clear
Clara morria de amor
Clara was dying of love
Faca de ponta
Sharp knife
Flor e flor
Flower and flower
Cambraia branca sob o sol
White batiste under the sunlight
Cravina branca, amor
White dianthus, love
Cravina, amor
Dianthus, love
Cravina e sonha
Dianthus, dreaming
A moça chamava Clara
The lady was called Clara
Alva cambraia no sol
Fair batiste in the sun
Galo cantando cor e cor
A rooster chanting color and color
Pássaro preto dor e dor
Black bird, pain and pain
O marinheiro amor
The sailor, love
Distante amor
Distant love
Que a moça sonha só
That the lady solely dreams of
O marinnheiro sob o sol
The sailor under the sun
Onde andará o meu amor
Where is my love
Onde andará o amor
Where is love
No mar, amor
In the sea, love
No mar sonha
In the sea, dreaming
Se ainda lembra o meu nome
If you still remember my name
Longe, longe
Faraway, faraway
Onde, onde se vá numa onda no mar
Where, where you can go, carried away by the sea waves
Numa onda que quer me levar
By the sea waves who want to take me away
Para o mar
To the sea
De água clara, clara, clara, clara
Of clear water, clear, clear, clear
Ouço meu bem me chamar
I hear my darling calling me
Faca de ponta
Sharp knife
Dor e dor
Pain and pain
Cravo vermelho no lençol
Crimson carnation over the bed sheets
Cravo vermelho amor
Crimson carnation, love
Vermelho amor
Crimson love
Cravina e galos
Dianthus and roosters
E a moça chamada Clara, Clara, Clara, Clara
And the lady called Clara, Clara, Clara, Clara
Alma tranquila de dor
Calming soul of painful feelings