Translation of the song Cheiro de Amor artist Maria Bethânia


Cheiro de Amor

English translation

The Smell of Love

De repente fico rindo à toa sem saber por que

And suddenly he started laughing out of the blue without knowing why

E vem a vontade de sonhar de novo te encontrar

And I felt the desire of dreaming again and meeting you

Foi tudo tão de repente, eu não consigo esquecer

Everything was so suddenly, I can't forget

E confesso tive medo, quase disse não

And I have to confess that I was afraid, I almost said no

Mas o seu jeito de me olhar, a fala mansa meio rouca

But your way of looking at me, the soft-spoken kind of husky voice

Foi me deixando quase louca já não podia mais pensar

It was driving me almost crazy, I could not even think anymore

Eu me dei toda para você

I gave myself to you completely

De repente...

And suddenly…

E meio louca de prazer lembro teu corpo no espelho

And I'm kind of crazy with pleasure I remember your body in the mirror

E vem o cheiro de amor, eu te sinto tão presente...

And the smell of love came, and I'm living this moment so goddamn much

Volte logo meu amor

Come back soon, my love

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