Translation of the song Aku Moana [I am Moana] artist Moana (OST)


Aku Moana [I am Moana]

English translation

I Am Moana

Gramma Tala: Ku kenal gadis di pulau, jauh dari keramaian

Nenek Tala: I know a girl of an island, who is far from the crowd

Cinta laut dan rakyatnya

The one who loves the sea and her people

Dia buat keluarganya bangga

She makes her family proud

Kadang dunia menentangmu

Sometimes, the world is against you

Bahkan sampai terluka

And even it hurts you

Tapi itu kan membuatmu tau dirimu

But those things will make you know about yourself

Yang kau cinta kan mengubahmu

The one that you love will change you

Yang kau pelajari kan menuntunmu

The one that you learn will guide you

Tak ada yang bisa membungkammu

Nothing can make you go speechless

Suara hati di hatimu

The voice of your heart

Saat itu mulai berbisik

At that moment, it will start to whisper

Moana, kau telah sejauh ini

Moana, you have come this far

Dengarlah Moana

Moana, listen

Kau tau dirimu?

Do you know yourself?

Moana: Siapa aku?

Moana: Who am I?

Aku mencintai pulauku dan mencintai lautan

I love my island and I love the sea

Yang memanggilku

The one who calls me

Akulah putri Kepala Desa dan mewarisi darah pelaut

I am the daughter of the Village Chief and inheriting the blood of the seafarers

Temukan cara lintas dunia

Those that found the way to cross the world

Yang memanggilku

The one that calls me

Inilah jati diri kita

This is our identity

Ku t'lah m'langkah jauh

I have travelled so far

Tapi suara itu tetap

But the voice is still


Calling me

Dan panggilannya berasal dari dalam diri

And the call is actually coming from the inside of me

Bagaikan gelombang yang terus menderu

Just like the waves that are rumbling continuously

Kan kuingat dirimu selalu di hati

I will always remember you in my heart

Apapun terjadi, ku tahu jalannya

Whatever happens, I know the way

Aku Moana

I am Moana

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