Kau gadis yang istimewa
You are a special girl
Engkau tiada dua
There is no other person that is as same as you
Kasihkan laut dan benua
The one who loves the sea and her motherland
Kau kebanggaan semua
You are everyone's pride
Walau halangan melanda dengan ranjau berbisa
Although obstacles are striking you with their poisonous spikes
Namun penawarnya ada di sana
But the remedy is there
Pengalaman mengajarmu
The experience will teach you
Pedoman yang mengubahmu
The guidance that changes you
Tiada 'kan dapat merayu
Nobody can beg for it
Suara kecil di hatimu
The small voice in your heart
Jika dengar bisikannya, Moana, dengarkanlah
If you listen to its whisper, Moana, please listen to it
Moana, ingat
Moana, remember
Siapakah dirimu?
Who is the real you?
Daku gadis pulau desa
I am only an island girl from a village
Lautan pendampingku, menyeru
The sea which is my companion summons it
Puteri kebanggaan kaumku
A princess who is the pride of my people
Suku penjelajah samudera
The tribe of seafarers of the oceans
Semangatnya menjemputku, menyeru
Their spirits are picking me up and summoning it
Pelayaranku penuh rona namun masih jauh
My voyage is full of hues but it is still far away
Pengalamannya mengajarku dan menyeru
Their experience is teaching me and summoning it
Kudengarkan bisikan hati yang menyanyi
I am listening to the whispers of the singing heart
Bergurindam tentang hasrat dan mimpi
As it is chanting about desires and dreams
Pesananmu 'kan kusematkan bagai nadi
I shall embed your advice just like pulses
Meneruskan pelayaran
To continue this voyage