Translation of the song re-rose artist Mamyukka

Japanese, Constructed Language


English translation


&YE mi trai ieise enika dar esh sentira miei

&YE mi trai ieise enika dar esh sentira miei


[For me, who had been lingering at the eternal solitude]

Cuolo levia el o merai eltia

Cuolo levia el o merai eltia


[You were the lady who flew down here]

Avan mier e sese nui lonkanoieri es hai

Avan mier e sese nui lonkanoieri es hai


[The world gets its color little by little]

I son uh quanna ala volie e son

I son uh quanna ala volie e son


[And my heart melts little by little]

&YE sei rai ieise enika ushke viei antare tiei

&YE sei rai ieise enika ushke viei antare tiei


[For you, who had been walking along the ephemeral solitude]

Cuolo levia el o merai eltia

Cuolo levia el o merai eltia


[I was the one who flew down there]

Am biet dinare voi na la estre yeloo sejour

Am biet dinare voi na la estre yeloo sejour


[From the world smeared with rotten smell]

Nu son peto we eshe los en antire

Nu son peto we eshe los en antire


[I carry you off by my wings]

A fula nevoie mort

A fula nevoie mort


[Until death and becoming ashes]

Se nuamare eshke le voi auumie em dansoala

Se nuamare eshke le voi auumie em dansoala


[Because your awfully gentle voice says]

Ezme vitten Loxane evalie tot

Ezme vitten Loxane evalie tot


[Please don't cry, Loxane and]

Voi trai ne sefala verocione esmera

Voi trai ne sefala verocione esmera


[Wipes my tears off]

Gea forso e a norche

Gea forso e a norche


[The countless nights]

Sevi ryat i mienilono e milia vi sono

Sevi ryat i mienilono e milia vi sono


[All of them are blinks to meet you]

Jiei me sefatu alo tanto

Jiei me sefatu alo tanto


[The tongue of my homeland that's lost long ago]

A fula nevoie mort

A fula nevoie mort


[Until death and becoming ashes]

Neaya ahma

Neaya ahma


[I'll keep whispering that for you]

棺の中 横たわる彼女の吐息で目覚める

I woke up by a sigh of her lying in the coffin


Being lit by the moonlight, we stare at each other


Our lips carve our love out

絡み合う指先 永久にこのまま

Our fingertips intertwined, to be retain forever


We tied them up by the ribbon of blood color


And then we overlap the hearts in the night of us two alone


The scars we leave on the necks


Until becoming ashes


Please call my name so much that your voice goes hoarse


And hug me by your wings


An oath that penetrates through our cardiac organs


Even the eternal time


I'm not afraid of anything if I'm with you


If my one wish comes true


Only once again


The scent of the flower...


Alright then, the kitten said and smiled


Red rose flowers blooming all over the room


Even if my cursed fingers touched


They don't get withered


A kiss to your shining golden hair


I don't need anything anymore because you're with me


A drop dripping on the petals

A fula nevoie mort

A fula nevoie mort


Our swearing on the flowers

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