Translation of the song Barış Ruhunla [Know Who You Are] artist Moana (OST)
Barış Ruhunla [Know Who You Are]
Make Peace With Your Soul
Ou mata e matagi
Ou mata e matagi
Seni bulmak için seferdeyim
I'm at voyage for find you /now/
Ou loto mamaina toa
Ou loto mamaina toa
Bende ismin
Your name is here /in me/*
Manatu atu
Manatu atu
Çalmışlar bedeninden kalbini
They stolen your heart from your body
Taku pelepele
Taku pelepele
Anlatmıyor bu seni
It doesn't recount you
Bu sen değilsin
It isn't you
Gel barış ruhunla
Come, make peace with your soul.