Translation of the song Bersinar [Shiny] artist Moana (OST)


Bersinar [Shiny]

English translation


Ya, Tamatoa dulunya tak begini

Yes, Tamatoa was not like this in the past

Dulu, 'ku ketam yang buruk.

Before this, I was just a hideous crab

Dan kini hidupku lebih gembira

And now, my life becomes happier

Sebab 'ku jelita, sayang

Because I am beautiful, darling

Nenda awak kata, Dengar hatimu

Did your grandmother say, Listen to your heart?

Jadi apa yang kaurasa?

So, what do you think?

Bukan susah ku nak kata, Dia salah

It is not that hard to say that she is wrong

Dia penipu

She is a liar

Biar kubersinar bagai harta lanun diam di dasar

Let me be shiny just like treasures that settle down in the bottom of the sea


Wipe it

Biarkan bersinar

Let it be shiny

Kuberkilau bak permata menyerlah

I am shiny just like shining gems


Hold on

Kautahu, ikan tertipu

You know that fishes are tricked

Kejar apa yang bersinar

As they go after shiny things


How weak

Oh, lihat mereka terpedaya dengan mudah!

Oh, look at them that are easily fooled!

Em, sedapnya!

Em, delicious!

'Dahlah percuma, enak sepertimu

They are readily free and delicious just like you

Wah, wah, wah!

Wow, wow, wow!

Adik Maui tak boleh nak berubah

Little Maui that cannot change his form

Si dewa kecil, kenit, katiknya

A small and tiny deity, how mini you are



Teruk betul persembahan

What a horrible performance

Mengarut, faham?

Nonsense, understood?

Nak berlawan pun tak retilah

Cannot even bother to fight

Namun kauberjaya buat kubangun

But you manage to make me awake

Juga tatu di badanmu

And the tattoos on your body

Sepertimu, tubuh badan kucantikkan

Just like you, I beautify my body


And I make it radiant

Biar kubersinar

Let me be shiny

Kuberkilau bak delima yang mekar

I am shining just like gleaming ruby

Badanku, badan yang bersinar

My body, a shiny body

Gagahnya, 'ku takkan mampu kautawan

How strong it is, you will never defeat me


I am glamorous

Maui, kau cuba, cubalah

Maui, please try if you please

Cuba tumbangkanku, oh dewa, seekor dekapod

Try to defeat me, oh deity, me a decapod

Tahu tak?

Don't you know?

Akan 'ku, 'ku, kumencabut jantungmu manusia yang merana

I will take your heart away, you pathetic human

Jauh dari sejarah hitam

Being far away from the dark history

Yang mengejar cinta manusia yang mendewakan

The one who looks after humans' love that glorify you

Fikirkau gagah namun tetap kupandang rendah

You think you are strong yet I still underestimate you

Maui, masanya untuk kaupergi oleh daku yang bersinar

Maui, it is time for you to go from me that is shiny

Lepas 'ni tak mungkin kaunampak lagi

After this, you will not witness it

C'est la vie, mon ami

C'est la vie, mon ami


I am shiny

Dagingmu akan pasti kunikmati ke sini

I will savour your meat so be here

Nikmatilah sinar ini sebelum dikau 'kan mati

Enjoy this shine before you are dead

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