Translation of the song El final artist JuanFran


El final

English translation

The final

Quédate con la persona que te sepa valorar

Stay with the person who knows how to value you

Que nunca te diga cuándo y dónde

That never tells you when and where

tú tienes que estar

you have to be

Que nunca te deje solo aunque

That never leaves you alone even if

tú lo quieras callar

you want to shut him up

Que quiera todo tu cuerpo

That loves your whole body

y que no lo quiera cambiar

and that doesn't want to change it

Que te sepa querer

That knows how to love you

y que siempre esté a tu lado

and is always by your side

Que diga puedes con todo

That says you can with everything

Un saber que te ha costado

A knowledge that has cost you

Que te bese la boca diciendo

That kiss your mouth saying

Que te amo

That I love you

Y si supera el invierno

And if he beats winter

Pues que se quede en verano

Then let him stay in the summer

Sé que todo es difícil

I know everything is difficult

cuando de amores no aprendes

when you don't learn about love

Pero lucha por quien te ama

But fight for who loves you

no por quien no esté pendiente

not for who is not interested1

Las estrellas que no brillan

The stars that don't shine

dicen que al final se aprende

they say that in the end you learn

El camino fue difícil

The road was difficult

el amor nuevo sorprende...

new love surprises ...

Me paro encima viendo como la vida pasaba

I stand on top watching how life went by

Y siempre me daba cuenta de que nada valorabas

And I always realized that you valued nothing

Eres mi sueño, el camino y las metas no logradas

You are my dream, the path and the goals not achieved

Nunca me rendí sabiendo que en otro pensabas

I never gave up knowing that you were thinking of another2

Pensaba que realmente

I thought that really

eras bien diferente

you were very different

Luchas por quien no te ama

You fight for those who don't love you

y por ti sufre otra gente

and other people suffer for you

No quiero que sea más guapa,

I don't want you to be prettier

quiero que lo valores

I want you to value it

Quiero que sea algo bonito

I want it to be something nice

y no se rompan corazones

and that hearts won't be broken

Y así es

And so it is

Quieres a quien no te quiere y te hacen perder

You want someone who doesn't love you and they make you lose

Mientras otros te aman, los dejas caer

While others love you, you let them fall

La vida es un juego y tienes que aprender

Life is a game and you have to learn

Que si no demuestra amor

What if he doesn't show love

es que te van a joder (bis)

is that they are going to screw you (bis)

Me jodieron mil y una vez

I was screwed a thousand and one times

pues me jodieron,

well they screwed me,

me fié de las palabras

I trusted the words

y no hay hechos que valieron

and there are no facts that were worth

Ten la llave del candado

Have the key to the padlock

y que me encierren que lo quiero

and they can lock me up because I want it

No corro más por personas

I no longer run for people

que nunca lo merecieron

that never deserved it

Y al final te das cuenta solo, no hace falta más

And in the end you realize by yourself, nothing else is needed

Tuve miedo perder y también a ganar

I was afraid to lose and also to win

Pero siempre sigue fuerte, tienes que avanzar

But always stay strong, you have to move on

Porque si caes, nadie a ti te va ayudar

Because if you fall, nobody will help you

No no oh no oh oh YEH yeh

No no oh no oh oh YEH yeh

Quédate con la persona que te sepa valorar

Stay with the person who knows how to value you

Que nunca te diga cuándo y dónde

That never tells you when and where

tú tienes que estar

you have to be

Que nunca te deje solo aunque

That never leaves you alone even if

tú lo quieras callar

you want to shut him up

Que quiera todo tu cuerpo

That loves your whole body

y que no lo quiera cambiar

and that doesn't want to change it

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