Translation of the song Ma patrie artist Dmitriy Hvorostovskiy


Ma patrie

English translation


Rodina, moi rodnye kraja!

Motherland, my dear places!

Rodina, vesna i pesnja moja!

Motherland, the Spring, and my song!

Gordoju sud’boju, svetloju mečtoju

By proud destiny and bright dream

My naveki svjazany s toboj!

We connected with you forever

Da budet nad stranoju nebo goluboe

Let the blue sky will be above my country

I rasvetnyj luč zolotoj!

And a golden ray of the dawn!

Rodina, tebe ja slavu poju!

Motherland, I sing a glory for you!

Rodina, ja verju v mudrost’ tvoju!

Motherland, I believe in your wisdom!

Vse tvoi dorogi, vse tvoi trevogi

All your ways, all your worries

Ja delju s toboj, zemlja moja!

I share with you, my Motherland!

Daj mne ljuboe delo, čtoby serce pelo!

Give me such a job

Ver’ mne, kak tebe verju ja!

That my heart will sing!

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