Translation of the song Mundohem te harroj artist Mentor Haziri


Mundohem te harroj

English translation

I am trying to forget

Ndonjehere kujtoj se te kam humbur

Sometimes I remember I lost you

Qe kur ti shnderrohesh ne nje tjeter

When you changed into someone else

Dhe tash e di per nje kohe te gjate

And now I know for a long time

Une dhe ti ku jemi tash

Where you and I are now*

Vazhdo me pyet pse une te urrej

I continue asking myself why I hate you

Sepse une jam ai qe mori dhimbjen

Because I’m the one that took the pain*

Te largohem dua nga te gjithe

I want to distance myself from everyone

Vetem qe te kuptoj qe perkas ketu

Just to understand that I belong here

(Nuk ndjej asgje)

(I don’t feel anything)

Mundohem qe ta harroj kohen qe na bashkoi

I’m trying to forget all the time we spent together

Zerat qe na kerkojne ne te dy

Voices that are looking for both of us

Mundohem qe ta harroj kohen qe na bashkoi

I’m trying to forget all the time we spent together

Zerat qe na kerkojne ne te dy

Voices that are looking for both of us

Zerin tend degjoj duke me thirrur

I hear your voice as if it’s calling me

Dhe ende mendoj se je nje tjeter

And I keep thinking you are someone else*

Kur afrohem shoh se dicka ndryshon

When I get close I see that something has changed

Dhe kuptoj qe une ty te kam humbur

And I understand that I lost you

(Nuk ndjej asgje)

(I don’t feel anything)

Mundohem qe ta harroj kohen qe na bashkoi

I’m trying to forget all the time we spent together

Zerat qe na kerkojne ne te dy

Voices that are looking for both of us

Mundohem qe ta harroj kohen qe na bashkoi

I’m trying to forget all the time we spent together

Zerat qe na kerkojne ne te dy

Voices that are looking for both of us

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