Translation of the song Brillo [Shiny] artist Moana (OST)
Brillo [Shiny]
En Tamatoa no era abans tan elegant
Tamatoa wasn't this elegant before
era un petit i esquifit cranc,
I was small and skinned crab,
però ara sé que sóc feliç i allucinant
But now I know I am happy and amazing
perquè sóc una monada.
Because I'm a cutie
L'àvia et deia a tu: fes-li cas al cor
Granny told you: pay attention to your heart
et durà a bon port reina meva
That will have a good result my dear
puc destrossar el seu argument amb poc esforç.
I can destroy her arguments with life effort
Et va enganyar: brillar és el que compta !
She fooled you shining is what matters!
Com tot l'or que té un pirata en un tresor,
Like all the gold that a pirates has in a treasure
frega'l ben fort, veuràs tu com: brilla!
Scrub it well and you see how it shines!
Lluiré com un collar en un coll turgent,
I will sparkle like a necklace on a turgid neck,,
un moment, els peixets són molt rucs-rucs-rucs.
Just a moment, fish are very dumb, dumb, dumb
Tot allò que brilla ho volen: no hi toquen !
They want everything that shines they don't touch it!
Oooh: ja són aquí-quí-quí,
Ooh, They are here, 'ere, 'ere ,
com que brillo es descontrolen, com molen !
As I a shind they lose control how cool!
Jo menjo de franc, i tu ets de franc pel cranc.
I eat for free, and your for free for the crab
Vaja, vaja, vaja, en Mauiet ho fa tot barrim-barram
Well, well, well, little Maui makes everything so wrong
el semi-mini-mini déu.
The demi-mini-mini god
No es pot fer tant el ridícul, agafa l'ham !
You can't make any more of a fool of yourself, catch the hook!
Vinga, no el domines com abans company,
Come on, you don't control it like you used to, friend
però he de reconèixer que em vas inspirar
But I have to admit that you inspired me
amb tots els teus tatuatges.
With all your tattoos
I jo com tu, una obra d'art em vaig crear,
And like you I made myself a work of art
si vull fugir no puc: brillo massa!
If I want to escape I can't, I shine too much
Resplendeixo igual que un diamant en brut, en plenitud.
I gleam just like a diamond in the rough, fully
Tot jo: brillo massa !
I, entirely, shine too much!
No ho sabeu però a mi no em pot vèncer ningú, sóc massa dur.
You don't know, that no one can defeat me, I'm too tough
Maui noi, ho pots provar-var-var, però un semidéu tan figaflor
Maui boy, you can try-y-y, but such a weak demigod
no venç un gran com jo, t'ho dic jo: moriràs-ràs-ràs.
Can't defeat a crab like me, trust me, you will die-ie-ie
Ara és el moment d'arrencar el cor, ja estàs mig-mort.
Now is the moment to tear your heart out, your already half-dead
Ben lluny d'aquells que et van llançar dins l'aigua
Far away from those who trew you into the water
buscant dels humans, l'amor que et faltava.
Seaking from the human thd lovd you lacked
Tu et feies el dur però la closca és molt fràgil per a tu.
You acted so tough, but your shell is very fragile
Maui, ja pots anar dient adéu a qui brilla davant teu.
Maui, you better say goodbye to the one who shines before you
Mira'm bé perquè s'acaba el teu camí, c'est la vie mon ami
Take a good look at me, because your way is coming to an end, c'est la vie mon ami1
Ai, com brillo, ves resant noi que aquest cranc t'ha de cruspir,
Oh, how I shine, better start praying boy this crab divour you,
ets tot per a mi. No brillaràs mai com jo, però voldries brillar com jo !
You're all mine, you'll nevef shine like me, but you'd like to shine like me