Translation of the song Cik tālu došos es [How Far I'll Go (reprise)] artist Moana (OST)


Cik tālu došos es [How Far I'll Go (reprise)]

English translation

How Far I'll Go

Tālu jūra, tur horizonts mirdz

Far away the sea, there the horizon glows

Tas sauc mani

It calls me.

Tas zina, ko spēj jūra dot.

It knows what the sea is capable to give

Pārāk ilgi es šaubījos.

Too long I was doubting.

Laiks rit, nav ko gaidīt.

Time goes, no time for waiting.

Sirds spēku dos,

Heart will give the strength

Es nebaidos.

I'm not afraid.

Tumsa apdraud mūs,

Darkness threatens us,

Vēlos salu glābt

I wish to save the island

Neviens nepagūs mani atrunāt

No one will be able to dissuade me in time

Dodos svešumā, jūrā plašajā,

Going abroad, in the wide sea,

Tur es vēlos būt.

I wish to be there.

Viņas gaisma caur ūdeni mirdz

Her light glows through the water

Uz mani.

On me.

Tā izgaismo un ceļu dod.

It illuminates and gives the road

Augstu debesīs pilnmēness spīd,

High in the skies full moon is shining,

Sirds ved mani, es dodos prom,

Heart leads me, I'm going away

Laiks atdot to.

It's time to give it back.

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