Translation of the song Di manapun kau berada [Where You Are] artist Moana (OST)


Di manapun kau berada [Where You Are]

English translation

Wherever you are

Chief Tui :

Chief Tui:

Moana, beri jalan

Moana, make way

Kini kau harus tau

Now, it's time you should know

Desa Motunui lah yang kau butuhkan

The village of Motunui is what you need

Penari pun berlatih

The dancers also practicing

Diiringi lagu kuno

Accompanied by an ancient song

Villagers :


Kami tak butuh lagi lagu baru

We don't need new songs anymore

Chief Tui :

Chief Tui:

Inilah tradisi kita

This is our tradition

Banyak pekerjaan tuk Moana

A lot of work for you, Moana

(Beri jalan)

(Make way)

Beri dia jalan itu yang dibutuhkan

Give it a way because that's what it needs

Kita berbagi semua

We share everything



Bercanda menganyam k'ranjang

Jokingly and weaving the baskets

Nelayan pulang dari laut

The fishermen come home from the sea

Moana :


Ku mau lihat

I wanna see

Chief Tui :

Chief Tui:

Jangan pergi

Don't go away

Tetaplah di posisimu

Stay in your position

Rakyat butuh pemimpin

People need a leaders

Dan itu kamu

And that's you

Chief Tui & Sina :

Chief Tui & Sina:

Akan ada saatnya kau kan lihat

There will be times when you will see

Bahwa kebahagiaan ada di sini

That happiness is here

Ingatlah kelapanya

Remember the coconut



Ingat pohonnya

Remember the tree

Ayo kita manfaatkanlah kelapanya

Let's take advantage of the coconut

Serabutnya tuk buat jaring

The fibers are used to make a net

(Ayo kita buat jaring)

(Let's we make a net)

Airnya pun manis

The water is sweet too

(Airnya pun manis)

(The water is sweet too)

Daunnya tuk buat api

The leaves are used to make fire

(Daunnya tuk buat api)

(The leaves are used to make a fire)

Untuk memasak daging

Also used for cooking meat

(Tuk memasak daging)

(for cooking meat)

Ingatlah kelapanya

Remember the coconut

Batang dan daun

The stems and the leaves

Semua sudah tersedia

Everything is available

Moana :


Tak seorangpun boleh pergi

Nobody can leave

Chief Tui :

Chief Tui:

Itu sebabnya

That is why

Kita kan tetap di sini

We'll stay here

Tataplah masa depanmu

Look into your future

Kau di sana

There you are

Kau kan bisa

You can do it

Belajar seperti Ayah

Study like Dad

Temukan kebahagiaan di tempat ini

Find the happiness in this place

Gramma Tala :

Gramma Tala:

Ku menari dengan air

I dance with the water

Ikut arus gelombang

Follow the current of the water waves

Airnya pun menggoda

The water is tempting too

Ku suka kenakalannya

I like with his mischief

Orang desa mengira ku gila

The villagers thought I was crazy

Pikirnya ku berhayal

They thought I was imagining

Tapi kau sudah tau apa yang kau suka

But you already know what you like

Kau seperti Ayahmu

You're like your father

Keras bermartabat

Be though but have dignity

Ingatlah nasehatnya

Remember his advice

Dengar suara hatimu

Listen to your inner voice

Dengar suara bisikannya

Hear the whisper voice

Ikutilah bintang

Follow the stars

Moana suara hatimu itulah dirimu

Moana, your inner voice is yourself

Ayo kita buat jaring

Let's we make a net

(Serabutnya tuk buat jaring)

(The fibers are used to make a net)

Airnya pun manis

The water is sweet too

(Airnya pun manis)

(The water is sweet too)

Daunnya tuk buat api

The leaves are used to make a fire

(Kita bernyanyi bersama)

(We sing together)

Untuk memasak daging

Also used for cooking meat

(Menafkahi keluarga)

(Supporting family)

Desa percaya kita

The village believes in us

(Ya, benar!)

(Yes, right!)

Desa percaya

The village believes

Semua ada disini

Everything is in here

Jangan pergi

Don't go away

Moana :


Ku kan tinggal

I'll stay here

Bersama semua rakyatku

With all my people

Memikirkan hari esok

And thinking about tomorrow

(Ditempat ini)

(In this place)

Dan memimpin

And I take the lead

Membimbing semua rakyatku

I have to guide all my people

Dan membangun masa depan

And build the future

(Ditempat ini)

(In this place)

Semua jalan kan membawamu

Every roads will take you

(Ke tempat ini)

(To this place)

Temukan kebahagiaan

To find the happiness

(Dimanapun, kau berada)

(Wherever you are)

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