Translation of the song Do kod naj grem (Reprise) [How far I'll go reprise] artist Moana (OST)
Do kod naj grem (Reprise) [How far I'll go reprise]
How Far Should I Go (Reprise)
Hkrati morje poljublja nebo in me vabi
The sea is simultaneously kissing the sky and tempting me
Nihče ne ve, do kod to gre
No one knows how far it goes
Negotovost, kar si srce želi
Uncertainty, whatever the heart wants
Je za mano
Is behind me
Živim svoj dan,
I live my day
Grem v svet neznan
I go into the unknown world
Kamor koli grem in kjer koli sem
Wherever I go and wherever I am
Je korak naprej, zdaj nazaj ne grem
Is a step forward, I'm not going back now
V neznano peljem in dobro vem,
I'm sailing into the unknown and I know very well
Da želim si tja
That I want to go there
Glej ponoči se morje blešči in vabi
Look, at night the sea is twinkling and inviting
In zdaj res vem, sama grem
And now I really know, I'm going alone
Luna sveti z neba, dober veter je z mano
The moon is shining on the sky, the good wind is with me
Kmalu izvem do kod naj grem
I'll soon find out how far I should go