Translation of the song Do kod naj grem [How Far I'll Go] artist Moana (OST)


Do kod naj grem [How Far I'll Go]

English translation

How far I'll go

Čakam dolgo tu na robu morja

I have been waiting so long here at the edge of the sea

Dlje kot sploh se spominjam

Long as I can remember

Kaj privlači me, ne vem!

What attracts me, I don't know!

Rada bi bila popolna hčerka,

I wish I could be the perfect daughter,

A me ves čas mami voda vabi me v svoj objem!

For all this time the water keeps inviting me to its embrace!

Kamor koli grem in kjer koli sem

Everywhere I go and everywhere I stay

Vsaka steza, ki pred seboj vzrem

Every trail I see in front of me

Vodi me nazaj na privlačen kraj kamor si želim!

Leads me back in that place, which attracts me, where I long to go!

Ko se morje dotika neba me vabi!

When the sea touches the sky, it calls me!

Nihče ne ve, do kod to gre

No one knows how far it goes

In če veter v jadru na poti bo z mano morda izvem

And if the wind in my sail will be with me, maybe I will find out

A če grem, težko je reči, do kod bom šla

But if I go, it will be hard saying how far I'll go

Saj vem, da vsi na tem otoku srečni so na tem otoku

I know everybody on this island is happy on this island,

Vse je kot iz škatlice!

Everything is like a little box!

Vem, da čisto vsak na tem otoku vlogo ima na otoku

I know everybody on this island has their role on this island

Morda navadim svoje se!

Maybe I will get used to mine!

Če želim, bom močna, ponosna vsa svoje mesto dobro zapolnila

If I wish I could be strong and all proud, I will fit my place

A v srcu glas kljuva že ves čas, kaj narobe je?

But for all the time a voice troubles in the heart, what's wrong?

Glej, na morju se sonce blešči, slepi me!

Look the sun shines on the sea, it blinds me!

Nihče ne ve, do kod to gre!

No one knows how far it goes!

In se zdi, kot da vabi me naj pridem v daljave da končno izvem!

It seems it's inviting me to come over there, I will finally know!

Kaj se skriva tam, bom prešla do tja!

What hides over there, I will come there!

Tja, kjer morje poljublja nebo in vabi!

There where the sea kisses the sky, and it calls me!

Nihče ne ve, do kod to gre

No one knows how far it goes

In če veter v jadru na poti bo z mano morda izvem

And if the wind in my sail will be with me, maybe I will find out

Do kod naj grem!

How far I'll go!

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