Translation of the song 23 Nisan artist Vasfi Mahir Kocatürk


23 Nisan

English translation

23rd April

Bugün yirmi üç nisan,

Today is april twenty three

Toplandı bütün vatan.

All folks are gathered

Millet Meclisimize

In our council

Atatürk oldu başkan..

Ataturk became the president

Kaldırdı hasta yurdu,

He healed our sick country

Yılmaz bir ordu kurdu.

And set a fearless army up

Türk’ün şanlı sesini

Made the world hear the

Dünyalara duyurdu..

Turks’s glourious voice

Yükseldi bayrağımız,

Raised our flag

Koparıldı bağımız.

Pulled off our ties

Sultandan ayrılınca,

When we kick the sultan out

Kurtuldu toprağımız..

The soil of ours was saved

Türk çocuğu gül, sevin,

Turkish descendant enjoy and laugh

Yaşa yurdunda emin.

Live in your land with confidence

Bugünü an bayram et,

Celebrate this day, do not forget it

Bugün senindir, senin..

Today is yours, yours..

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