Translation of the song 23 Nisan artist Anonim (Turkey)
23 Nisan
23rd April
Sanki her tarafta var bir düğün.
It feels like there are weddings everywhere
Çünkü, en şerefli en mutlu gün.
Because, this is the most honorable, happiest day
Bugün yirmi üç Nisan,
Today is april twenty three
Hep neşeyle doluyor insan.
People are cheering up
İşte, bugün bir meclis kuruldu,
It was today when the council was set
Sonra hemen padişah kovuldu.
Right after it the sultan was kicked out
Bugün yirmi üç Nisan,
Today is april twenty three
Hep neşeyle doluyor insan.
People are cheering up
Bugün, Atatürk’ten bir armağan,
Today is a gift from Atatürk
Yoksa, tutsak olurduk sen inan.
Otherwise, believe it, we would not be free
Bugün yirmi üç Nisan,
Today is april twenty three
Hep neşeyle doluyor insan.
People are cheering up