Translation of the song Det perfekte land [Perfect World] artist The Emperor's New Groove (OST)


Det perfekte land [Perfect World]

English translation

The Perfect Nation

Der' despoter og diktatorer

There are despots and dictators

Og grumme magtmanipulatorer

And evil power manipulators

Der' adelsmænd der dumme som en mur

There are noblemen who are as stupid as a wall

Der' tyraner, som regerer

There are tyrants ruling

Og har så dårlige manére

And have such bad manners

At de minder om gorillaer i et bur

That they seem like gorillas in a cage

Han havde magt før han ku' gå

He had power from before he could walk,

Han er så cool, han er så rå

He's so cool, he's so tough

Han er stjernen i en tusindårig slægt

He's the star of a one thousand years old bloodline

Et mysterium og en éner,

A mystery and a one of a kind

I Mesoamerika mener

In Mesoamerica, they think

Man, at alt, hvad han har lavet, er perfekt

That everything he has done is perfect

Han er herskeren i nationen

He's the ruler of the nation

Han har tjek på trenden og tonen

He has mastered the trend and the tone

Han er alfa og omega monster sej

He's alpha and omega monster cool

Det perfekte land er fedt

The perfect nation is awesome

Og han forlanger ik' så lidt

And he doesn't expect just a little

For han ved, at det perkefte land er... mig

'Cause he knows that the perfect nation is... me

Hva' hans navn? Kuzcooo

What's his name? Kuzcooo

Det' hans navn

That's his name

Han er hamrende sej

He's hella cool

Han er lidt for hip

He's a little to hip



Ej, nu svingede det lige så fedt!

Argh, it was just swinging so well



Begklager, men De' skyld i, det ikke svinger så fedt for Kejseren

I'm sorry, but you're the reason why it's not swinging so well for the Emperor

Gammel mand

Old man


I'm sorry...



Og du sagde?

And you were saying?

Yeah, hva' hans navn? Kuzcooo

What's his name? Kuzcooo

Det' hans navn

That's his name

Han er lidt for hip

He's a little to hip

Og I ved, at han er hamrende sej

And you know that he's hella cool



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