Translation of the song Imaš sve [Where You Are] artist Moana (OST)


Imaš sve [Where You Are]

English translation

You Have Everything

Vajana! Svoj put, svoj put

Vaiana! Your way, your way

Ti brzo ćeš saznati!

You'll find out soon!

Sve daje ti Motunui, tu imaš sve.

Motunui gives you everything, you have everything here.

Plesači već vježbaju,

Dancers already practise,

Uz pjesmu pradjedova.

With the great grandfather's song.

Jer najljepšu pjesmu odavno već znaš.

Because you know the most beautiful song long since.

Čuvat drago naše blago

To guard our dear treasure

Svima ovdje važna je misija

Is an important mission to everyone here

Pa nemoj sad zapet jer tu imaš sve.

So don't stuck now because you have everything here.

Što stvori, tu dijeli svak',

Everyone shares everything he creates,

Uz razgovor pos'o lak je,

The job is easy with the chit-chat,

A ribari ulov vuku, gle!

And fishermen pull their catch, lo!

(Što tamo je?)

(What is there?)

A gdje ćeš sad?

And where will you go now?

Vajana, daj stoj na tlu

Vaiana, come on, stand on the ground

Jer tvoj narod te treba tu

Because your people needs you here

Da vladaš njim...

To reign over it

Stiže taj dan kad nećeš na bježat van.

That day, when you're not gonna run away from us, is coming.

I znat ćeš da ovdje već svoj živiš san!

And you'll know that you already live your dream here!

Pa pogledaj kokos lijep, i stabla ta, gle!

Just take a look at this beautiful coconut, and those trees, lo!

Sve to nama koristit će, tu imaš sve.

All of that is going to be useful for us, here you have everything.

(Od vlakna mreža se radi,

(The fishing net is being made of fiber,

U njemu je slatki sok.

There's a sweet juice inside of it.

A lišće vatru će dati

And leaves will give a fire

Za obrok od ploda tog.)

For a meal made of that fruit.)

Pa pogledaj kokos lijep, od vrha do dna.

Just take a look at that beautiful coconut, from top to bottom.

Taj otok daje nama sve!

This island gives us everything!

(Jer tu je kraj!) Tu je sve!

(Because there's the end!) There's everything!

Sigurnost i život miran

Safety and a peaceful life

Pa vidiš jasno da ovdje imaš sve.

So you clearly see that you have everything here.

Smirit ćeš se, moj plan tad bit će ti jasan,

You'll calm down, my plan will be clear to you then.

Kad shvatiš, sreća je gdje imaš sve!

When you realize, happiness is there, where you have everything!

(Ja volim plesati s morem

(I like to dance with the sea,

U ritmu tih valova.

In the rhythm of those waves.

To more je nestašno, ha,

Well, that sea is restless,

A nestašna sam i ja.

But I'm restless too.

Svi misle da razum gubim

Everyone thinks that I'm off my mind

Da luda sam, govore.

That I'm crazy, they say.

Al' sebe kad čovjek sluša, ima sve.

But when someone listens to himself, he has everything.

Ti ponosna si sorta,

You're the proud sort (of people),

Baš ko' otac tvoj.

Just like your father.

Znam, razočarat ga nećeš,

I know, you're not gonna disappoint him,

Al' glas ipak slušaj svoj.

But however listen to your own voice.

I kada taj glas ti šapne

And when that voice whispers to you,

Da moraš odlučiti,

That you gotta choose,

Vajana, taj glas kad čuješ, to si ti!)

Vaina, when you hear that voice, know that's you!)

(Od vlakna mreža se radi,

(The fishing net is being made of fiber,

Od kokosa fin je sok!

The coconut juice is delicious!

Uz pjesmu stari i mladi

With the song, youngsters and elders,

Svi siti smo već za to)

We're all already satiated for that)

I selo nam vjeruje,

And the village believes us,

Na čelu smo mi!

We're the leaders!

Taj otok daje nama sve!

This island gives us everything!

Jer tu je kraj! Tu ostajem!

Because here's the end! I'll remain here.

Tu dom je pravi za mene.

Here's the right home for me.

I vidim jasno da uvijek imam sve.

And I can see clearly that I always have everything.

Put poznajem, čak ako loše mi krene,

I know the way, even if it starts badly for me,

Uz ljude moje uz mene, imam sve!

With my people by my side, I have everything!

Jer staze vode tu gdje, imaš sve!

Because paths leads to the place where you have everything!

I sreća čeka te gdje, imaš sve!

And happiness waits for you at the place where you have everything!

Imaš sve!

You have everything!

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