Translation of the song Ja sam Vaiana [I am Moana] artist Moana (OST)


Ja sam Vaiana [I am Moana]

English translation

I am Vaiana [I am Moana]



Sa otoka znam jednu curu

I know a girl from an island

Što drukčija je od svih

Who is different than others

I voli svoj dom, svoje ljude

And loves her home, her people

I čini baš sve za njih

And does quite everything for them

Za hrabrost i plaćas cijenu

Because of courage you pay the price

Jer svijet je i grub i krut

Cause the world is harsh and cruel

Albergo ukazati može

Albergo can show

Pravi put

The true path

Tvoj život je dobra škola

Your life is a good school

Pun promjena, sreće, bola

Full of changes, happiness, pain

Al' ti glas srce pamti

But your voice remembers the heart

U tebi žar njegov plamti

It's flame is burning inside you

I kada taj glas ti šapne

And when that voice whispers to you

Vaiana, daj, vjeru si

Vaiana, come on, believe yourself

Vaiana, dušo

Vaiana, dear

Znaš li sad tko si ti?

Do you know now who you are?



Tko sam ja?

Who am I?

Cura sam ja što voli otok

A girl who loves the island

Svoje ljude i svoj dom

Her people and her home

I more

And the sea

Seoskog poglavice ja sam kći

I am the daughter of the village chief

A naši preci bjehu putnici

And our ancestors where travellers

Koji su upoznali svijet

Who have met the world

I more

And the sea

Jer ja predaka sam svježa krv

Cause I'm the fresh blood of the ancestors

Ja smjelo plovim

I'm sailing boldly

Sve što znali su to znam i ja

Everything they knew I know too

Poznam more

I know the sea

Čujem glas, čujem zov svaki dan

I hear the voice, I hear the call every day

Iz dubina

From the depts

K'o plimni val sad

Like the tidal wave now

U meni raste

It's growing inside me

Pali taj stari žar srca mog

It's starting the old flame of my heart

Iz daljina

From afar

Za sve je nas

For all of us

Moj put moj glas

My path is my voice

Ja sam Vaiana!

I am Vaiana!

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