Translation of the song Jaz sem Vaiana [I am Moana] artist Moana (OST)


Jaz sem Vaiana [I am Moana]

English translation

I am Vaiana



Poznam dekletce z otoka

I know a girl from the island

Drugačna je kot vsi

She's different from everybody

Živi za ljudstvo in morje

She lives for the people and the sea

Vsem nam ponos prebudi

She makes us all proud

Morda se zdi, da izgubljaš

It might seem as if you're losing

In pot se zazdi poraz

And the way looks liek defeat

Zazri se vase

Look inside

In najdi svoj obraz

And find yourself

Življenje te bo spremenilo

Life is going to change you

Z izkušnjami utrdilo

To strengthen you with experiences

Nobena moč ne utiša,

No power can silence

Srca, ki se tiho oglaša

Your heart that quietly speaks to you

In, če ti kdaj nežno šepne

And when it some time gently whispers

Vaiana prisluhni mi

Vaiana, listen to me

Vaiana draga,

Vaiana, my dear,

Ali veš kdo sploh si

Do you even know who you are?



-Kdo sem?

-Who am I?

Sem le dekle, ki ljudi otok,

I'm just the girl who loves the island

A me glas morja budi

And the voice of the sea awakes me

In vabi

And calls me

Moj oče velik je vasi glavar

My father is a great village chief

Smo potomci popotnikovi,

We are descendants from voyagers

Ki so odšli v svet na glas

Who went out into the world, and their voice

Me vabi

Is calling me

Pripeljala sem nas vse do sem

I've brought us all here

In odšla še dalje

And I went even further

Naučila sem se že vse in več

I've already learned everything and more

Še me vabi

It still calls me

In ta klic meni znan

And this familiar call

Le prihaja od zunaj

Isn't coming from outside

V meni je,

It's inside me

Kakor plimovanje

Like the tide

V srcu vedno nosila te bom,

I'll always carry you in my heart

Da me spomniš

To remind me

Kako lep bo,

Come what may

Našla bom pot

I'll find the way

Jaz sem Vaiana!

I am Vaiana!

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