Translation of the song Ka loa nō [How far I'll go] artist Moana (OST)
Ka loa nō [How far I'll go]
The great distance
Kau nā maka i ka lihi o ke kai
(My) eyes are to the edge of the sea
He puni kumu ia no’u
Which bases around me
E pūhili wale ai
And I never knew the reason...
Inā au ke keiki pono loa
If only I could be the best child,
Punini na’e i ke kai
But, I love watching the sea
‘Oiai kūlia nō
Although I try (not to)
Huli aku au, huli mai nei nō,
I turn and I turn
‘Ume mau ke ala i ka ho’i mai
Always attracted to the road (that leads)
I ia wahi nō e pono ‘ole ai
(To) a place I cannot go
Ake na’e e ‘imi
Yet I long for it
Na ka ‘alihilani e ‘ume mau mai
The sea always attracts me
‘Ike ‘ole nō i ia analipo
(And) no one knows how far it is
Inā poho ku’u pe’a i ke ahe makani
If the breeze guides my sail (on the sea)
‘Ike auane’i
Then I'll know
Inā holo, i hea e hiki aku ai
If (it is) possible (that) I'm called to sail
‘Ike au ma nei wahi moku
I know on this island (there are)
Mālie nā kānaka
People who are comfortable
Noho kuluma ē
They live by accustomed (tradition)
‘Ike au, he kuleana ho’i,
I know, (everyone) has a responsibility
Ko nā mea pākahi
(That) they follow calmly
E ho’okohu maila au
I will join (them)
Ka’i pono au a ikaika nō
I (will) lead with excellence and strength
‘Olu ka na’au ke pipili ē
I'll be comfortable if I play my part
A ma loko mai kahi leo ‘uā
But a voice inside cries out a different melody
Ua hewa anei?
Is this wrong?
Ke pāhola ka lā i ke kai, he ‘alohi
When the sun shines on the sea, it is full of splendor!
‘Ike ‘ole nō i ka hohonu
(And) no one knows the depths
Me he mea lā e hea mai nei, e hō mai
And it's as though it's calling out to me (so) come to me
Hō’ike mai
Show me
I ke analipo ‘a’e paha ē
What's beyond the horizon
Na ka ‘alihilani e ‘ume mau mai
The sea always attracts me
‘Ike ‘ole nō i ia analipo
(And) no one knows how far it is
Inā poho ku’u pe’a i ke ahe makani
If the breeze guides my sail (on the sea)
E ‘ike au i ka loa nō
Then I'll know how far I (can) go!